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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean diet is a diet method that is more about diet that contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes are presented in the form of fresh, non-processed, wheat-based breads along with a healthy menu that is consumed as a routine order to each day. Why named as the mediterranean diet? Due to the method in the diet or the diet is widely adopted by the community, namely the mediterranean country such as Spain, Italy, Greece and others. This diet has a significant impact to the health of ordinary Americans for example if in the case of death from heart disease continues to increase, then this does not apply to the Mediterranean.

Besides being able to lose weight turned out to Mediterranean diet has other effects that can affect the physical health and mental health significantly. A study of the Spanish conducted by experts with the involving 11.000 students from various universities in Spain and found that those who diligently mediterranean diet proved to have the best grades in tests of mental and physical health trials.

Food for Mediterranean Diet

A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that the mediterranean diet basically recommends a person to eat more vegetables and fruits than beef or chicken and mutton, wheat, nuts, olive oil, and fish. While dairy products and wine or red wine should be consumed in limited quantities.Mediterranean diet is a healthy diet full of variety served with vegetables and fruits such as salad, sliced ​​tomatoes, palm fruit, olives, grains, onions, and bacon mashed tuna. Made to look very fresh vegetables and not cooked but just pour olive or olive oil, and seasoning without salt. In the other dish contained red wine, olive oil, and vinegar as a complement, for others there are rice dishes with beautiful yellow color mixed peas and salmon cooked in steam and sprinkled with lemon pepper and mouth wash dishes plus also some fruit fresh.

Why the Mediterranean diet abundant vegetables and fruits? Because vegetables and fruits in fresh form can be useful as antioxidants and vitamins that play a role in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A study related to diet mediterranean diet mention that this one kind of reduce mortality and prolong a person's age. That's because a healthy diet mediterranean diet tends to keep a person from various types of chronic diseases that are harmful.

If you are also able to live within the rules of the mediterranean diet, you will certainly be able to quickly slim but still healthy in body and soul and helps lower the risk of premature death.