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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Rabies or also known as hydrophobia is a disease acute infection in the central nervous system caused by a virus rabies. Acute lethal viral encephalomyelitis that strikes carnivores and bats, although it can also infect humans mammals.

Introduce of Rabies

The disease is caused by the bullet-shaped virus Rhabdovirus berkapsula the size of 70x170 nm. Capsule that envelops his peplomer glycoprotein composed of materials, protein (protein matrix) and lipoproteins. This virus has a capsid nukleo with helical symmetry, linear genomic sRNA minus polarity, 11-12 kb.

Rhabdovirus replicate in the cytoplasm, transkiptrase virus RNA transcribes five subgenom were translated into five proteins namely transcriptase (150 K), nucleoprotein (50-62 K), matrix protein (20-30 K), peplomer glycoprotein (70-80 K) and protein not structured (40-50 K). This virus maturation through peak penetrate membrane (Fenner, 1987). Rhabdovirus has an incubation period of 10 days - 6 months however, usually 3-8 weeks.

According to the mode of transmission of rabies include direct zoonosis group (Direct zoonosis) are zoonotic which requires only one type of vertebrate alone for survival, and disease-causing agent is only slightly changed or even no change at all during transmission.

Meanwhile, according to the main reservoir of rabies classified in antropozoonosis, the disease develops in nature freely among wild animals and domestic. Humans only occasionally become infected and are the end point of infection. According to the cause of rabies is a zoonotic agent movement viral. Rabies can be transmitted by wild animals (wild life zoonoses), animal foster (Domesticated Animal zoonosis) and animals that live human in settlement (Domiciliated zoonosis).

Risk factors are the obstacles and opportunities for the spread of rabies are: attacking wild animals (especially skunks, Raccon, bats, and foxes), lack of sufficient anti-rabies vaccination and bite / scratches from dogs, cats or wild animals that have not been vaccinated.

Rabies Transmission usually occurs through the bite of an infected animal, contamination of fresh wounds or mucous membranes with saliva or brain of animals been infected. In some cases, transmission may also occur through air (Schnurrenberger, 1991). These viruses multiply in the salivary glands. Very sensitive to the solvent is alkaline such as soap, disinfectant, alcohol, etc. The system is attacked nervous system or nervous system: clinical encephalitis can be paralytic / furious and glands salivarius: contains a large number of viral particles in saliva