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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Type of Bone Disease and its Prevention
Bone disease is a disease that many so underrated by most sufferers are under-recognized by someone who may have been suffering from the symptoms of the disease. people who suffer from bone disease is usually noticed when the conditions do not allow the bone to be treated again. to reduce the risk of bone diseases one must search for a complete and adequate information either from research or from the Internet and when the need of health care workers in order to get more accurate information .

when someone always maintain bone health indirectly mtelah someone that enhance their productivity , because of all the activities and gestures of a bone endorse them. try bayangkang bone health when experiencing a problem , surely someone activity and performance will suffer.

Bone is a buffer body consisting of the protein collagen which sided with calcium phosphate and rich in minerals that make the body strong as supported by bone. The combination of collagen and calcium makes bones will become very strong and flexible so it can withstand the pressure from the activities and the activities of a person. Approximately 99 % of calcium in the human body is in the bones and teeth. Some were found in the blood .

Bone has two types , namely :

- The cortical bone is dense and strong bones and an outer bone .
- Trabecular bone that has a part in the cavity and form the structure of the body as a whole .

Bone has developed and improved throughout the human life span is done resorption and formation. However , the bone can also be impaired bone disease .

The following types of bone disease :

1. osteomyelitis

Bone disease is caused by bacteria that spread and reduce the strength of the bone .

2. rickets rickets

Often occurs in children who are in its infancy . Abnormal bone formation that is a buildup of calcium in the bone because the child is drinking too much milk calcium or due to solar radiation .

3. osteoporosis

Bone disease osteoporosis is a disease that results in bone density to be dropped . Osteoporosis can undermine the ability of trabecular bone which causes power to be reduced drastically . This will make the bones become brittle due to cortical bone thinning . Osteoporosis usually occur in older women age and enter menopause .

4. osteomalacia

Bone disease is caused by bone become weak due to lack of vitamin D intake or it could be caused by faulty metabolism in the body . Bone diseases such as osteoporosis , osteomalacia disease can cause bones to become more brittle .

Prevention of bone disease
Here are some prevention and treatment of bone that we can do to prevent bone disease :

  • Perform regular exercise to reduce the risk of bone disease .
  • Food intake should be taken to ensure that we eat foods that are nutritious and have a high fiber yan .
  • Do not forget to eat a high calcium milk .
  • Immediately consult a doctor if we feel there is a complaint on the bones and joints .
  • Play the balanced diet by way of diligent eating foods high in fiber and vitamin D.
  • It is recommended not to consume excessive alcohol and smoking .
  • Perform continuous testing and routine bone .