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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Digestive Disorders in Infants
At age are still quite young, infant susceptibility to health. It's important for mothers especially first time to have a child for always know the health condition of the baby. To help mothers in maintaining the health of her baby, it is advisable to have an insight about the characteristics of diseases that attack the baby. One of the diseases that attack the baby was attacked in the digestive system.

Digestive health problems in infants is very important to be addressed immediately, because if not addressed very dangerous because it will make the baby's physical condition will be dropped. In general, symptoms of indigestion are usually marked with a spitter, but usually vomit unusual because there are babies who spew eating because glut but it is better to see the signs or symptoms to indigestion infants consult a doctor immediately relevant.

Recognize a healthy digestive system disorders in infants and toddlers and how to overcome them. By doing so you have to be the best mother for your baby, but I reiterate once again when these symptoms see a good idea to consult with a physician skilled in the art.

Here is a disturbance in the digestive system and its symptoms and how to overcome them. To overcome the way I write here is general will be better and wiser if you consult with a physician skilled in the art. Here's the explanation:

1. Biliary atresia.  

Digestive system disorder that is often experienced by infants in the first week of birth. Disturbances are a total blockage of bile flow due to bile duct partially or completely lost. The cause is not known with certainty. But allegedly associated with cytomegalovirus infection by Rubella virus, Rotavirus and Reovirus type 3. Symptoms: Infants born yellow, brown urination and defecation white as putty. Overcome with: Bringing baby to the doctor, because it is usually treated with surgery, is not enough to hang a yellow baby for 2-3 weeks.

2. Intestine folded.  

This occurs when one part of the intestine into the intestine located on it and occur spontaneously. Many experienced by infants aged 5-10 months. The cause is not known. Symptoms are characterized by a baby crying, vomiting green liquid, bloody diarrhea, and when the intestines are clogged total, the baby can not pass gas and bowel movements. Overcome with: Giving contrast fluid to determine which part of the intestine folds or performed this surgery done after consultation with a doctor.

3. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding.  

Infants showed bloodstained fluid with fresh vomit or blood colored black like coffee, due to denaturation of blood suffered by stomach acid. Because there were ulcer and duodenal (intestinal 12 fingers) or no varices in the esophagus to rupture. Characterized by symptoms of vomiting blood and feces (stool) incurred during defecation is black. Overcome with: Bringing baby to the doctor or the nearest hospital.

4. Diarrhea due to allergy.  

The cause is an allergy to cow's milk protein. Symptoms seen from mucoid diarrhea and sometimes there is blood, skin redness itching and coughing up phlegm. Overcome with: Stop giving cow's milk to the baby and replace it with a soy milk or special milk protein has been processed. Avoid food products that contain cow's milk.

5. Appendicitis. 

In medical terms referred to appendicitis or inflammation of the appendix (appendectomy). The cause of appendicitis is because there are some impurities in the colon or the rest of the food caught in it. Appendix inflammation will cause pain and makes the intestines vulnerable to rupture. Symptoms: Abdominal pain, especially starting around the belly button and moves to the lower right side, decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Overcome by: Performed by opening the abdominal wall surgery to cut and remove the appendix or the inflamed appendix.

6. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (Hypertrophy Pyloric Stenosis).  

The cause is due to abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, marked narrowing of the intestinal tract of 12 finger muscles due to bowel wall thickening, resulting in food will spit back by the baby. Symptoms: Vomiting that usually appears when infants aged 2-12 weeks. Overcome with: Living a minor operation on the pylorus muscle called pyloromyotomy. Surgery performed by cutting, do not cut the thickened pylorus muscle to widen the channel.

7. Irritable bowel syndrome.  

Impaired function of the entire baby's digestive system, causing abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea. The cause is not known for sure. Some experts estimate associated with abnormal intestinal contractions. Symptoms: bowel habits (BAB) changed, more and more often if the diarrhea is rarely if constipation. Overcome with: Stop giving food or beverages that trigger the onset of symptoms, as many herbs, too sweet, sour or salty.

8. Recurrent abdominal pain.  

Often experienced by children aged 3 years. Babies will fuss because not able to express their grievances. Can cause psychological disorders, social, and environmental triggers of stress, such as the first day of school. Symptoms: Abdominal pain in the form of recurrent abdominal pain attacks three times or more for more than three months and resulted in impaired activity. Overcome with: Finding the main factor. When caused by psychological factors, consult a child psychologist.

Other gastrointestinal disorders: 

1. Reflux. Experienced by 50% of infants aged less than 3 months and 5% by infants aged 10-12 months. 
2. Diarrhea due to infection. 70% of cases of acute diarrhea in infants due to rotavirus infection. 
3. Infantile colic. Affects about 20% of infants aged 2 weeks to 4 months. 
4. Lactose intolerance. Commonly found in infants and may disappear after the age of 3-4 years. 
5. Constipation. More common in preschool and school children.