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Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Importance of Number of Chaw Against Digestive Health
The average person only spends most of 20 minutes to 23 minutes of total time spent eating in the morning, lunch and dinner. The details six minutes for breakfast, eight minutes for lunch and just nine minutes for dinner. Lack of awareness in chew food properly so deficient that it has an impact on the number of people who complained about health problems in the digestive organs.

According to a survey conducted by the Organic Food Brand Conscious Food Stuff, 80 percent of those surveyed said that they know actually eat too hasty is not recommended. But the busy lifestyle does not allow to eat slowly. But if someone is actually willing to practice good habits in terms of eating, they can but many are not aware that the style of life that form bad habits in terms of eating. Therefore, change your bad habits in terms of eating lifestyle even if you insist you are very busy.

More than half of the participants surveyed said they ate lunch while doing other work. While another third claimed to devour their lunch so fast, that they barely even notice their food. It would be better if when you are busy having breakfast should be done early before you leave for work. For lunch, take advantage of the maximum length of time to be used for lunch breaks, time off for lunch so quite well. But if you have a lunch out of the office with long distance, try to have lunch you bring lunch from home. For dinner, have a long enough time so that enough to eat and chew properly.

"The demand jobs is a major cause for the workers to eat quickly. However eat quickly and not chewing food properly, will result for your digestive problems," said the founder of Conscious Food Christina Locke, as quoted Lifestyle.Iafrica page. for it is better if the bad habits in terms of eating because of busy office, the office should develop policies that support the right chew in terms of eating. But more important is you always used to do a good thing in terms of chewing food.

Locke explains that the time spent to eat and chew food slowly is very important for our digestive health. Because food is chewed gently will help digestion in the intestines become smoother. But on the contrary if the food is not chewed until smooth will make work more severe gut to digest food and can make the intestines have problems.

"Sixty-five percent of the people think that every mouthful be chewed 10 times or even less. However, in reality we have to chew food between 20 times to 30 times that our digestive remain stable," he concluded. When the tone was doing good habits in terms of eating chewing, you have a little less risk to your digestive health problems and your life becomes comfortable.

Remember also!! Chew food 20 times to 30 times each mouthful to chew eat.