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Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Importance of Number of Chaw Against Digestive Health
The average person only spends most of 20 minutes to 23 minutes of total time spent eating in the morning, lunch and dinner. The details six minutes for breakfast, eight minutes for lunch and just nine minutes for dinner. Lack of awareness in chew food properly so deficient that it has an impact on the number of people who complained about health problems in the digestive organs.

According to a survey conducted by the Organic Food Brand Conscious Food Stuff, 80 percent of those surveyed said that they know actually eat too hasty is not recommended. But the busy lifestyle does not allow to eat slowly. But if someone is actually willing to practice good habits in terms of eating, they can but many are not aware that the style of life that form bad habits in terms of eating. Therefore, change your bad habits in terms of eating lifestyle even if you insist you are very busy.

More than half of the participants surveyed said they ate lunch while doing other work. While another third claimed to devour their lunch so fast, that they barely even notice their food. It would be better if when you are busy having breakfast should be done early before you leave for work. For lunch, take advantage of the maximum length of time to be used for lunch breaks, time off for lunch so quite well. But if you have a lunch out of the office with long distance, try to have lunch you bring lunch from home. For dinner, have a long enough time so that enough to eat and chew properly.

"The demand jobs is a major cause for the workers to eat quickly. However eat quickly and not chewing food properly, will result for your digestive problems," said the founder of Conscious Food Christina Locke, as quoted Lifestyle.Iafrica page. for it is better if the bad habits in terms of eating because of busy office, the office should develop policies that support the right chew in terms of eating. But more important is you always used to do a good thing in terms of chewing food.

Locke explains that the time spent to eat and chew food slowly is very important for our digestive health. Because food is chewed gently will help digestion in the intestines become smoother. But on the contrary if the food is not chewed until smooth will make work more severe gut to digest food and can make the intestines have problems.

"Sixty-five percent of the people think that every mouthful be chewed 10 times or even less. However, in reality we have to chew food between 20 times to 30 times that our digestive remain stable," he concluded. When the tone was doing good habits in terms of eating chewing, you have a little less risk to your digestive health problems and your life becomes comfortable.

Remember also!! Chew food 20 times to 30 times each mouthful to chew eat.
Digestive Disorders in Infants
At age are still quite young, infant susceptibility to health. It's important for mothers especially first time to have a child for always know the health condition of the baby. To help mothers in maintaining the health of her baby, it is advisable to have an insight about the characteristics of diseases that attack the baby. One of the diseases that attack the baby was attacked in the digestive system.

Digestive health problems in infants is very important to be addressed immediately, because if not addressed very dangerous because it will make the baby's physical condition will be dropped. In general, symptoms of indigestion are usually marked with a spitter, but usually vomit unusual because there are babies who spew eating because glut but it is better to see the signs or symptoms to indigestion infants consult a doctor immediately relevant.

Recognize a healthy digestive system disorders in infants and toddlers and how to overcome them. By doing so you have to be the best mother for your baby, but I reiterate once again when these symptoms see a good idea to consult with a physician skilled in the art.

Here is a disturbance in the digestive system and its symptoms and how to overcome them. To overcome the way I write here is general will be better and wiser if you consult with a physician skilled in the art. Here's the explanation:

1. Biliary atresia.  

Digestive system disorder that is often experienced by infants in the first week of birth. Disturbances are a total blockage of bile flow due to bile duct partially or completely lost. The cause is not known with certainty. But allegedly associated with cytomegalovirus infection by Rubella virus, Rotavirus and Reovirus type 3. Symptoms: Infants born yellow, brown urination and defecation white as putty. Overcome with: Bringing baby to the doctor, because it is usually treated with surgery, is not enough to hang a yellow baby for 2-3 weeks.

2. Intestine folded.  

This occurs when one part of the intestine into the intestine located on it and occur spontaneously. Many experienced by infants aged 5-10 months. The cause is not known. Symptoms are characterized by a baby crying, vomiting green liquid, bloody diarrhea, and when the intestines are clogged total, the baby can not pass gas and bowel movements. Overcome with: Giving contrast fluid to determine which part of the intestine folds or performed this surgery done after consultation with a doctor.

3. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding.  

Infants showed bloodstained fluid with fresh vomit or blood colored black like coffee, due to denaturation of blood suffered by stomach acid. Because there were ulcer and duodenal (intestinal 12 fingers) or no varices in the esophagus to rupture. Characterized by symptoms of vomiting blood and feces (stool) incurred during defecation is black. Overcome with: Bringing baby to the doctor or the nearest hospital.

4. Diarrhea due to allergy.  

The cause is an allergy to cow's milk protein. Symptoms seen from mucoid diarrhea and sometimes there is blood, skin redness itching and coughing up phlegm. Overcome with: Stop giving cow's milk to the baby and replace it with a soy milk or special milk protein has been processed. Avoid food products that contain cow's milk.

5. Appendicitis. 

In medical terms referred to appendicitis or inflammation of the appendix (appendectomy). The cause of appendicitis is because there are some impurities in the colon or the rest of the food caught in it. Appendix inflammation will cause pain and makes the intestines vulnerable to rupture. Symptoms: Abdominal pain, especially starting around the belly button and moves to the lower right side, decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Overcome by: Performed by opening the abdominal wall surgery to cut and remove the appendix or the inflamed appendix.

6. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (Hypertrophy Pyloric Stenosis).  

The cause is due to abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, marked narrowing of the intestinal tract of 12 finger muscles due to bowel wall thickening, resulting in food will spit back by the baby. Symptoms: Vomiting that usually appears when infants aged 2-12 weeks. Overcome with: Living a minor operation on the pylorus muscle called pyloromyotomy. Surgery performed by cutting, do not cut the thickened pylorus muscle to widen the channel.

7. Irritable bowel syndrome.  

Impaired function of the entire baby's digestive system, causing abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea. The cause is not known for sure. Some experts estimate associated with abnormal intestinal contractions. Symptoms: bowel habits (BAB) changed, more and more often if the diarrhea is rarely if constipation. Overcome with: Stop giving food or beverages that trigger the onset of symptoms, as many herbs, too sweet, sour or salty.

8. Recurrent abdominal pain.  

Often experienced by children aged 3 years. Babies will fuss because not able to express their grievances. Can cause psychological disorders, social, and environmental triggers of stress, such as the first day of school. Symptoms: Abdominal pain in the form of recurrent abdominal pain attacks three times or more for more than three months and resulted in impaired activity. Overcome with: Finding the main factor. When caused by psychological factors, consult a child psychologist.

Other gastrointestinal disorders: 

1. Reflux. Experienced by 50% of infants aged less than 3 months and 5% by infants aged 10-12 months. 
2. Diarrhea due to infection. 70% of cases of acute diarrhea in infants due to rotavirus infection. 
3. Infantile colic. Affects about 20% of infants aged 2 weeks to 4 months. 
4. Lactose intolerance. Commonly found in infants and may disappear after the age of 3-4 years. 
5. Constipation. More common in preschool and school children.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Rabies or also known as hydrophobia is a disease acute infection in the central nervous system caused by a virus rabies. Acute lethal viral encephalomyelitis that strikes carnivores and bats, although it can also infect humans mammals.

Introduce of Rabies

The disease is caused by the bullet-shaped virus Rhabdovirus berkapsula the size of 70x170 nm. Capsule that envelops his peplomer glycoprotein composed of materials, protein (protein matrix) and lipoproteins. This virus has a capsid nukleo with helical symmetry, linear genomic sRNA minus polarity, 11-12 kb.

Rhabdovirus replicate in the cytoplasm, transkiptrase virus RNA transcribes five subgenom were translated into five proteins namely transcriptase (150 K), nucleoprotein (50-62 K), matrix protein (20-30 K), peplomer glycoprotein (70-80 K) and protein not structured (40-50 K). This virus maturation through peak penetrate membrane (Fenner, 1987). Rhabdovirus has an incubation period of 10 days - 6 months however, usually 3-8 weeks.

According to the mode of transmission of rabies include direct zoonosis group (Direct zoonosis) are zoonotic which requires only one type of vertebrate alone for survival, and disease-causing agent is only slightly changed or even no change at all during transmission.

Meanwhile, according to the main reservoir of rabies classified in antropozoonosis, the disease develops in nature freely among wild animals and domestic. Humans only occasionally become infected and are the end point of infection. According to the cause of rabies is a zoonotic agent movement viral. Rabies can be transmitted by wild animals (wild life zoonoses), animal foster (Domesticated Animal zoonosis) and animals that live human in settlement (Domiciliated zoonosis).

Risk factors are the obstacles and opportunities for the spread of rabies are: attacking wild animals (especially skunks, Raccon, bats, and foxes), lack of sufficient anti-rabies vaccination and bite / scratches from dogs, cats or wild animals that have not been vaccinated.

Rabies Transmission usually occurs through the bite of an infected animal, contamination of fresh wounds or mucous membranes with saliva or brain of animals been infected. In some cases, transmission may also occur through air (Schnurrenberger, 1991). These viruses multiply in the salivary glands. Very sensitive to the solvent is alkaline such as soap, disinfectant, alcohol, etc. The system is attacked nervous system or nervous system: clinical encephalitis can be paralytic / furious and glands salivarius: contains a large number of viral particles in saliva

Saturday, August 3, 2013

South Beach Diet and Method of Application
So many ways diet offered from time to time for those who want to have a slim body and ideal, especially for women who are overweight or are overweight. If you have a lot of applying this type of diet, but has not been successful may to make you confused about how to lose weight, there may be a good idea to apply one of the many diet methods favored by the Hollywood artists southbeach diet.

South beach diet is a diet that is much discussed in various magazines and other print media. South beach diet is a diet that was first introduced by a cardiologist, Dr.. Arthur Agatston, in the area of ​​Miami, Florida, United States. This diet was originally not intended for obesity sufferers, but is intended for patients who have blockages in heart arteries, but in the end this diet is more popular or well known as a weight loss diet. Many say that the diet is proven to diet to lose weight 4-7 kg in the first week of implementation.

South beach diet teaches you to get to know and meticulous in choosing the right carbohydrates and fats. With the South Beach diet, you will be able to plan the best menus to perform weight loss in the short term, to maintain it in the long run, as well as obtain optimal health.

Many suggestions from the experts before running the south beach diet. Because the south beach diet is more emphasis on the distinction of the types of food through the content (glycemic load) carbohydrates, then you must consume enough water because you will experience a bowel obstruction resulting from the restrictions to eat fruits.

South beach diet consists of three phases for more details, please read carefully the phases of south beach diet.

Phase 1

Lasted 14 days. Phase is the most restrictive, but the weight will drop as much as 4-7 kg body remains in a state of fresh and healthy. This phase aims to stop the addiction to sweets and snacks carbohydrates, increases body function to process sugars and starches, improve blood sugar levels, insulin production, and blood cholesterol levels.

Rules of the game:

  1. Low-fat animal protein: has the (tenderloin) or has outside (sirloin) without fat, gandik, breast or skinless chicken thighs, all kinds of fish and seafood.
  2. Avoid processed animal protein: corned beef, sausage, meatballs, chicken nuggets, canned fish, salted fish, salted eggs
  3. Vegetable protein which still may be consumed: tofu, tempeh, soy milk, nuts (dry / stew, red beans, Tolo beans, soy beans), but are limited because they contain fairly high carb.
  4. Carbohydrates should be avoided: rice, noodles, pasta, bread, chips, cereal, oatmeal, cassava, yam, taro.
  5. All kinds of fruit and fruit juice consumption is prohibited except tomatoes and lime
  6. Also milk and milk products (cheese, ice cream)
  7. Cooking oil: corn oil, soybean oil, canola oil, olive oil, sunflower seed oil, and sesame oil. Only one tablespoon a day.
  8. Almost all types of vegetables may be consumed, except that it has a high glycemic index such as carrots, baby corn, sweet corn, potatoes, young jackfruit, and yellow squash.
  9. All spices should be used except that instant like ketchup, bottled sauce, shrimp paste, MSG.

Phase 2 

Not timed. Once your weight is stable, that is not declining anymore, you may go into Phase 3. In phase 2, the eating arrangements a bit more loose and weight will drop about 0.5 - 1 kg per week. Aims to improve blood cholesterol levels by increasing the good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides. In addition, the body will be able to process carbohydrates with carbohydrates eaten well during the good and the dose was not excessive. Consumed foods allowed in Phase 2 the same as in Phase 1 plus carbohydrates, fruit, and milk.

Food additives permitted:

  1. Carbs, but good carbs such as brown rice, rice mashed rice, bread or pasta wheat crusted epidermis (whole wheat), oatmeal rough (not the instant!). Potatoes are allowed as long as roasted or grilled.
  2. Fruits that have a low to moderate glycemic index (apples, grapes, papaya, oranges, guava, Duku, bark, star fruit and mango) in limited portions three times a day. Fruits with high glycemic index (banana, pineapple, watermelon, candied dried fruit, canned fruit, dates, prunes) is not recommended. So is honey and jam.
  3. Milk and low-fat dairy products with no sugar, no dyes, no essences.

Phase 3 

Life will be lived for so your diet so on. There is no prohibition in the last phase of this, as long as you eat normal portions are not excessive. However weight gain as much as 1 kg, you are encouraged to go back to Phase 1. Beneficial to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Normal eating a normal portion, with the appropriate selection of groceries limitation rule South Beach Diet. Diet in this phase will maintain the weight you have laboriously accomplished, if implemented continuously akanemnjadi part of your lifestyle.

South Beach Diet rule should be maintained: 

1. use healthier oils
2. good carbs 
3. consume good fats 
4. choose high-fiber foods
5. using natural sugar (fructose, stevia) 
6. eating fruits and vegetables that have a low to moderate glycemic index
7. eating fruits and fruit juices are not eating food at the main
8. do not eat processed foods or instant
Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean diet is a diet method that is more about diet that contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes are presented in the form of fresh, non-processed, wheat-based breads along with a healthy menu that is consumed as a routine order to each day. Why named as the mediterranean diet? Due to the method in the diet or the diet is widely adopted by the community, namely the mediterranean country such as Spain, Italy, Greece and others. This diet has a significant impact to the health of ordinary Americans for example if in the case of death from heart disease continues to increase, then this does not apply to the Mediterranean.

Besides being able to lose weight turned out to Mediterranean diet has other effects that can affect the physical health and mental health significantly. A study of the Spanish conducted by experts with the involving 11.000 students from various universities in Spain and found that those who diligently mediterranean diet proved to have the best grades in tests of mental and physical health trials.

Food for Mediterranean Diet

A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that the mediterranean diet basically recommends a person to eat more vegetables and fruits than beef or chicken and mutton, wheat, nuts, olive oil, and fish. While dairy products and wine or red wine should be consumed in limited quantities.Mediterranean diet is a healthy diet full of variety served with vegetables and fruits such as salad, sliced ​​tomatoes, palm fruit, olives, grains, onions, and bacon mashed tuna. Made to look very fresh vegetables and not cooked but just pour olive or olive oil, and seasoning without salt. In the other dish contained red wine, olive oil, and vinegar as a complement, for others there are rice dishes with beautiful yellow color mixed peas and salmon cooked in steam and sprinkled with lemon pepper and mouth wash dishes plus also some fruit fresh.

Why the Mediterranean diet abundant vegetables and fruits? Because vegetables and fruits in fresh form can be useful as antioxidants and vitamins that play a role in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A study related to diet mediterranean diet mention that this one kind of reduce mortality and prolong a person's age. That's because a healthy diet mediterranean diet tends to keep a person from various types of chronic diseases that are harmful.

If you are also able to live within the rules of the mediterranean diet, you will certainly be able to quickly slim but still healthy in body and soul and helps lower the risk of premature death.
Atkins Diet
Many people are already implementing this diet either way already know in detail or accidentally does have implemented this diet way. The following is a translation or explanation menganai Atkins diet for a personwhen practicing this diet can know clearly about the Atkins diet. Elaboration of the Atkin diet can be used as a reference for the more widely known aatkin diet.

Is the Atkins diet? 

Maybe some have already know what Atkins diet but many people do not know about the Atkins diet, the following might be a reference for those who do not know about what the Atkin's diet. Atkin's diet may be used as a reference for those who want to do the Atkins diet for those who are overweight. Many people who have done Atkins diet say that this diet is a diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrate content. Perhaps many are asking why this diet called the Atkins diet why not called protein diet or with other names. Atkins Diet is a diet of naming an inventor Dr. Robert C. Atkins is also a cardiologist, hence why this diet as well or better known as the popular Atkins diet. This diet was introduced sometime in the early '70s appearance, akin diet experienced a lot of disagreement between supporting and rejecting as many are not sure about its safety. Although many disputes in the uprising, many are trying to implement it. Atkins diet sounds of the theory is that by increasing the consumption of foods that are high in protein and no carbs at all During the first 2 weeks, the body will build ketosis, a state in which the body uses fat as fuel.

After two weeks of doing this diet or when you do step two, you should consume foods that contain carbohydrates, but certainly with a predetermined portion or amount is very small. This will make the body maintain insulin levels remain low and stop the body convert food into fat. The theory is that eating too many carbohydrates will raise blood sugar levels. This in turn will produce insulin, which quickly into the bloodstream and convert excess blood sugar into fat called triglycerides, which will be stored as body fat. after that, there are two stages left to run in this diet is, premaintenance and maintenance. At this stage you only have to maintain your diet, as well as begin to see results.

What can be gained from this diet? 

many people are still hesitant in applying this diet because there are still doubts about manfata or what it can get after doing this diet. Atkins diet will encourage your body's metabolism and so your metabolism changes, your body will adjust automatically with a new way of burning fat. "In addition, by controlling the insulin levels remain low, they are mendetita heart disease, hypertension and diabetes will show any significant clinical progress.

Percentage of success in the Atkin diet?

 many people when they want to run a diet program that is always asked is how likely to succeed. That said, there are thousands of people who say that they managed to lose weight by applying the Atkins diet. But if there is strong scientific evidence to support this theory and believes that the correct and safe to apply? "Yes, the diet works in the short term (3-6 months), far better than any other diet," says nutritionist Wendy Martinson famous of the U.S.. However, in the long run, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that a year later they are on a diet do not lose weight are different from those who followed the conventional low-fat diet.

Wendy also doubt that the underlying scientific theory, because protein foods stimulate insulin response remained. Cheese, he said, sometimes pushing insulin levels rise more than pasta or porridge. Although people with this diet eat more meat, but they are likely to reduce total calories by eating fewer carbohydrates or other high-calorie foods. Because the truth is, your habits make more selektil mi choose food, and it's impact on the total caloric intake, regardless of the type of diet you follow.


The main fear experienced by Atkins dieters are high protein foods are often high in saturated fat. High protein diet can also lower calcium levels which can trigger the occurrence of osteoporosis. So also with people who have health problems such as liver and kidney patients, can gain undue stress caused by the body tries to eliminate ketone. Other experts observed that this diet can lead to constipation problems, colon, kidney or rising cholesterol levels. You will also experience bad breath due to increased ketone.Robert H. Eckel, head of the nutrition committee of the American Heart Association says that this diet is not through enough research to back up his claim. So he advised to be more careful. Nutritionist Wendy Martinson warned that you do not do the Atkins diet if you exercise frequently (4-5 times a week). Due to exercise you need fuel. The body is able to get it with antibiotics burn fat, but not as fast as your body needs to exercise. As a result, you will lack energy.

To be successful for you

Do not take this as an excuse diet so you can go around eating steak, cheese or high-protein meals (too fat) Other. Variasakan source of protein and eat lots of fish and low carbohydrate fruits and vegetables are allowed, for example: bean sprouts, mushrooms, celery, peppers, radishes, asparagus, cabbage, spinach and eggplant. You can use the Atkins diet as a first step to your weight loss program, but do not use more than 14 days, says Dr. Wynnie Chan, a nutritionist who often wrote in village.co.uk.