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Sunday, July 21, 2013

It is important to know what kind of food should be eaten or to be avoided in the diet occupation. Knowing how to diet but do not know the occupation meal should be consumed then you are only half way in implementing this diet. Would be perfect occupation in the diet if you know how to diet overall occupation and what foods should be eaten and foods that should be avoided. 

Here is a sample menu diet consumed in such occupation: Lean beef, lean ham, rabbit, veal, chicken liver, chicken breast, turkey, fish, seafood, fat-free yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, skim milk. egg whites, tofu, seitan, green vegetables, onions, herbs and spices, mustard, sugar-free ketchup, oat bran, coffee, tea, diet soda, Stevia, Silverspoon Sweetener, sugar-free chewing gum.

By consuming (eating) in the diet of occupation.when you already know the type of food that should be consumed in the diet then your occupation is also important to know which foods should be eaten between breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks you should eat when you want to eat it but it must fit all the time.Here is a sample diet menu occupation of protein and vegetables for the day:


• 8 oz non-fat cottage cheese
• 1 slice of turkey
• Coffee or tea with skim milk and sweetener without calories

Morning Snack

• 4 oz nonfat yogurt 

• Three-pepper tuna
• Stuffed mushrooms
• Café crème

Afternoon Snack 

• 1 piece of meat
 • Oat bran pancake (made of 2 tablespoons of oat bran)


• Beef Kebabs
• Courgette soup


• Floating island

What kind of exercise is recommended?

Exercise is a very important part in the diet and not negotiable. You have to walk for 20 minutes every day in a single stage, and increase it to 30 minutes per day on two stages.

Excess of dietary occupation 

• The results are faster in the early stages can help increase motivation
• Do not require you to count calories 
• Include a vegetarian option 
• Includes food menu and recipes 
• In psychological, 'celebration meals' could help improve adherence to diet

The downside of the diet occupation

  • Very tight and requires you eliminate healthy foods, including fruits, grains, legumes, and nuts
  • Some people do not respond well to low-carb diets such as the Dukan Diet, and can experience a sense of lethargy and mood changes
  • Many high-protein diet participants who experience constipation, dizziness, breath odor
  • Not suitable for those who have experienced gout, high cholesterol, kidney disease or eating disorders
  • Because many restricting food, boredom will seem easy come, especially for those not like animal products
  • Encourage you to consume artificial sweeteners and diet soda


Dukan Diet is a method that gives extreme emphasis on low-fat protein. Although you can expect to successfully lose weight through this diet, but it seems like your weight will go up after returning to old eating patterns.