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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Often once a person experienced in the belly of course it was not as comfortable as abdominal bloating , constipation or heartburn , it is a kind of digestive problem that almost certainly never felt good all the children and adults . The problem may seem simple and often overlooked , but if you often experience can certainly inhibit the activity or even endanger your health .

It's important to recognize one's digestive problems are often experienced and act immediately and do things that can help solve problems and to improve digestive health digestive health . With it , you can have a good digestive system , so that life becomes more healthy .

The following is a problem that often arises in the stomach related to digestive health is to know to always be vigilant in maintaining digestive health . The following problems are often encountered :


Heartburn or acid reflux is caused due to stomach acid spilling into the esophagus ( esophagus / food pipe ) and irritating the unprotected lining of the esophagus . This condition ( heartburn ) usually occurs after eating spicy foods , fried foods , and fast food . Lie down immediately after eating , dehydration , smoking , and drinking alcohol also contribute to trigger heartburn .

There are various ways to prevent the onset of heartburn , such as reducing the consumption of foods that can increase the levels of acid in the stomach ( such as tobacco , chocolate , coffee , caffeinated beverages , tomato , fried foods , and fatty foods ) , slept next to the body tilt position left , lifting ( raising ) the head on the bed , etc. .


This indicates a condition in which the expenditure feces or stool is rare ( less than three times a week ) , thus causing the stool becomes hard , small , and difficult to remove . This can be caused by a lack of fiber or fluid in the diet or because of a medical condition or as a side effect of medication or a result of the accumulation of physical and mental stress . overcome by consuming lots of mineral water .


Gas is formed in the intestines due to the action of bacteria which then protrudes from the anus . The exit gases by 10 to 15 in a day is considered normal . Gas formation in the stomach may occur because too much fiber in your diet and consume some foods , such as processed milk , broccoli , cabbage , and cauliflower .


This is caused by the incoming air when eating or drinking rapidly , chewing gum , eating hard candy , and drinking carbonated beverages . To prevent burp , eat and drink slowly and relaxed . Avoid chewing gum for long-term , soft drinks , and hard candy .


Eating cauliflower , cabbage , broccoli , string beans , and carbonated drinks can cause bloating or abdominal discomfort . Try walking for 5 to 10 minutes and do not lie down / sleep after eating to help alleviate this problem . Reducing salt intake can also help this problem .