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Friday, September 27, 2013

Become a necessity and it is important to always keep the balance of the ecosystem in the digestive tract , in order to keep the good bacteria remain adequate . many people who think that eating the wrong food will contaminate the digestive system and be a good friend for bad bacteria . even many people who are trying very hard to maintain digestive health but instead do things look very exaggerated . as one example of exaggeration in maintaining digestive health is by doing the washing bowel . this is usually done by people who had eaten and felt by the people consume too much fatty food , and people like this will do the washing intestine .

When looking at the person who did it is actually very unfortunate because the way it is right or not is not the right way . could even endanger their own health . concerns a person who is actually doing the washing bowel based fear getting fat after eating a fatty meal . Concerns over being fat or sick it may need to be addressed with the help of counseling psychology . clear according to The Mayo Clinic , USA , a very credible institution in the field of health , said that washing the intestine was not at all necessary and can even be detrimental .

One of the popular types of colon washing is washing the colon that can be said to be an act of environmental destruction arbitrary . For, behold, God has set such that the colon or large intestine , as part of the digestive system , able to work alone with very beautiful to absorb water , minerals , electrolytes in controlling various functions of the body's functions . so that the digestive system to the maximum and uninterrupted .

Therefore when one lot or frequent bowel wash in the long run according to Gensler , can cause anemia , malnutrition and even heart failure . Is best done to maintain the balance of flora in the gastrointestinal tract is to choose appropriate foods , foods that contain probiotics and prebiotics .

Consider taking  supplements

Nevertheless , consuming excessive sources of probiotics and prebiotics , also bad for health . It usually occurs in those who consume excessive probiotic supplements , probiotic causing bacteremia ( bacteria in the blood are excessive ) . Therefore if you want to take a probiotic supplement should first consult with your doctor , both related types of supplements , long use and how much to eat .

Keep in mind , that some probiotic supplements side effects can occur . Among others fart , swelling , and sometimes be complications , even can also cause infection . According to Gensler , supplements can cause too much stimulation of the immune system so it can not even function optimally .

Somehow safer if we consume probiotic and prebiotic source of food . According to Gensler , probiotic and prebiotic diet is actually very easy . Not unlike the usual diet recommended by nutrition experts to prevent coronary heart disease , cancer , digestive disorders , or diet to manage weight to ideal .

The recommended diet is to consume foods that contain lots of fiber such as vegetables and fruits - even , whole grains , low-fat , low- sugar and meat . With such a diet , it is guaranteed that we will soon feel the benefits in terms of the balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract , increased immunity , healthier digestive tract , and decreases the risk of illness .

Vegetables and fruits are sometimes referred to as the king and queen of nutrients , because the high fiber content so it helps the digestive system and be a supporter of probiotic bacteria in the gut besar.Keuntungan get probiotic bacteria from food is that bacteria can live in the stomach . So , put that thought away instantly but are completely willing to damage the intestinal flora and health .

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Any type of food consumed would be digested . however, one must know whether the food consumed has adverse effects on health or the digestive system . it should be necessary for a person to know which ones are good eating for digestive health and which foods are not good for digestive health .

However, a digestive health is not only influenced by the type of food alone but a way of processing the food itself also affects the digestive health . in addition to ways of processing unhealthy lifestyles also affect digestive health so it makes the stomach does not react well to any type of food consumed .

Important to know which foods or drinks that are not good for digestive health so they can make people eat meticulous in choosing which one to eat and which foods should be avoided . Here is a guide of what is bad for the digestive system , as quoted from HuffingtonPost , namely :

 Coffee , tea , and soft drinks
 This drink is not only relax the esophageal sphincter , but causes gastric acid buildup and is a diuretic that  triggers diarrhea and cramping . Additionally caffeinated beverages can aggravate gastroesophageal reflux  disease ( GERD ) . For those who are sensitive should drink in a few levels .

 Alcohol can relax the esophageal sphincter that causes acid reflux , abdominal discomfort , erode the            stomach lining , disrupting certain enzymes and prevents absorption of nutrients .

 Fruits berries
 This fruit is good for health , but small seeds can be a problem for people who have diverticulitis ( intestinal  sac that develops in the colon usually ) so that it can become inflamed or infected .

 For people who have lakosa intolerance ( lactase deficiency ) , the consumption of milk or dairy products  can cause diarrhea , gas , bloating and cramping . Some diseases such as Celiac and Crohn's can cause  lactose intolerance .

 Foods high in fat and fried
 Both of these foods can cause acid reflux and heartburn ( stomach heat ) , as well as trigger colors or pale    stools called steatorrhea caused by excess fat in the feces .

 Spicy foods
 Spicy foods can reduce muscle tension in the lower esophagus , making stomach acid rising again , triggering  painful acid reflux . This condition can be very problematic in people with irritable bowel syndrome and  chronic gastritis .

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Digestive health issues is a matter that must be considered carefully and properly and should not be underestimated . why this is so , because the gastrointestinal health has an important role that is digesting food so that when the digestive system is healthy it will be good for your health . when the digestive system is having problems then it will affect the performance of the digestive system is not optimal in absorbing nutrients in food or drink that is needed by the body .

Digestive system that is not good is that to be one factor contributing to malnutrition or malnourished . sometimes the simplest things are not disari by everyone . One sign of that is easily recognizable when the digestive system is disturbed to constipation or constipation . To prevent these conditions, nutrients such as fiber foods are needed every day .

By Kelly A. Tappeden , PhD , RD quoted from the speech of The American Gastroenterological Association, said that the lack of fiber can cause health problems are more complicated than constipation . many of the study said that some of these nutrients ( fiber ) is required by all ages in order to avoid health problems such as obesity , colitis or inflammatory bowel syndrome ( IBS ) , high cholesterol , diarrhea , hemorrhoids , ulcers , and so on .

By consuming sufficient fiber for the body , there are many benefits that can be obtained as follows:

  1. Makes you gain weight balanced . So , for those who are running the diet program or who want to gain weight , nutrition is very important for the body .
  2. Healthy digestion and support children during growth and give them enough energy to move .
  3. Balancing blood glucose thus decreasing the risk of developing diabetes .
  4. Maintaining the viability and increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut . Increasing number of good bacteria in your gut , then the performance of the immune system is increasing and protected from various kinds of allergies .
  5. Prevent the occurrence of infection and inflammation of the colon that can cause abdominal pain or also commonly known as diverticulitis . In fact, according to a study , especially fiber insoluble fiber or insoluble fiber may reduce the risk of these health problems by 40 % .
  6. Facilitate the movement of food in the gastrointestinal tract . If this goes to normal then you will avoid constipation , and can defecate smoothly but with normal intensity .

Fiber consists of soluble fiber (soluble fiber ) and insoluble fiber (insoluble fiber ) . Soluble fiber dissolves easily in water , useful for lowering bad cholesterol and balancing blood glucose . These nutrients are found in foods that contain lots of water for example, pear , strawberry , blueberry , and apple .

Meanwhile , insoluble fiber useful in improving digestion and the digested food into the body to avoid various health problems related to digestion . Healthy foods that contain this type of fiber include brown rice , carrots , cucumbers , and tomatoes .
Each person would not want to experience digestive problems on him , because it certainly is not good and it can distract someone in doing something . to overcome this is something that is very necessary to implement especially in terms of healthy living foods , because of consuming food is exactly a big impact on your digestive health .

how to maintain a healthy digestive contained herein is of a general nature and manner may have a lot to explain . but it does not hurt to observe and practice in your daily life .The following is a way to keep your digestive health :

Eat slowly

Eat slowly and chew food well . Do not swallow the food in a hurry . to chew food on a regular basis will alleviate the intestines to digest food so that the digestive system to be stable and not disrupted .

Inadequate fluid needs

Meet the needs of body fluids in the form of water , juice , and soup . Fluid proved to be effective in addressing the problem of constipation is next to useless improve overall digestive health .

Reduce consumption of meat

With not too much to eat meat , it can also help improve digestive health .

Avoid stress

Stress can affect the digestive system and can aggravate digestive problems such as ulcers , hemorrhoids , and irritable bowel syndrome . Physical activities , such as meditation and yoga can help calm the nerves , so it can help relieve digestive problems .

Avoid smoking and liquor / alcohol

By avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol during the affected gastrointestinal problems , can accelerate healing .

Clean vegetables thoroughly before cooking or eaten

Cleaning vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating and kitchen hygiene can keep you to stay away from bacteria - are bona fide direct effect on the stomach .

Walk for a while after eating

Avoid lying down immediately after eating , and if possible run was briefly for 10 minutes . This will help the food digest better than to avoid some digestive problems such as bloating , food is hard to digest , gaseous stomach , and heartburn .

Consumption of foods that contain high fiber

Add enough fiber in your diet . Including , wheat , beans and vegetables such as green beans , peppers , carrots , and fruits with skin ( whenever possible ) . Eat fiber with a minimum amount , 25 to 30 grams per day , in order to keep you from constipation , weight gain , diabetes , and heart problems .

Reduce your intake of salt , sugar and flour

3 Avoid foods " white" , salt , sugar , and wheat flour , as much as possible . Because these materials are the basic cause of many digestive issue .
Have you ever heard of a diet method that allows the person doing the diet is to eat anything , should not eat anything here in the sense that should not be greedy . Maybe some people already know . Here I will explain about OCD , because I had to practice it and it worked for me .

OCD is a continuation of obsesive Corbuzier diet , this diet which triggered a mentalist named Dedy Corbuzier Indonesian origin . This diet is currently way buming in Indonesia because in addition to many who have practiced and managed , this diet is also a lot of controversy in it . But do not worry that this diet carelessly or whatever it is , but obviously this diet has consulted with stakeholders by the originator and declared the problem to be practiced .

Dedy Corbuzier which sparked the idea of ​​this diet is a genetic type that is endomorf or fat people or can easily be said of people who are born to obese . but given the fact that he and some people have practiced this diet and managed to even someone who had symptoms of type two diabetes only able to recover in less than two weeks blood sugar levels fell to normal .

Dedy Corbuzier explains that OCD is equal to the fasting diet . Surely all religions teach to fasting , and fasting is certainly beneficial for the body . What do you mean OCD with fasting ? Here originator said that the diet is a diet that is given a window eating 8 hours , 6 hours , 4 hours . The point is that you are allowed to eat for 8 hours , 6 hours , 4 hours in the sense you are not greedy . After that you should not eat or in the sense that there should be no calories in , but you are allowed to consume plain water . Things that make controversy that you should not eat in the morning and you can only eat at 12 noon until 6 pm that if you use a 6 -hour eating window , if you use a 4 -hour window on start eating meals at 2 pm . If you use 8 hour eating window you may only eat from 12 noon to 8pm . But the originator of this diet say that in order to maximize the results you should use a 4 -hour window , but if you are not strong should begin with the 8 hours gradually. If you've kut implement the 4 -hour meal interspersed with one hour a day at 12 noon that this can be done once a week .

For this diet originator also said that the exercise is also important , but the sport is referred to here is not cardio because cardio to strengthen the heart but rather to lift weights and whatnot . Make the ladies do not be afraid to lift weights because exercise will not make you muscular like men because testosterone content you different from men and it will make you look slimmer . If there is to say and see that there is a muscular bodybuilding woman who believed that using steroid injections .

For more details, how to diet and exercise are recommended form please visit its official website and download ebooknya , but the ebook itself speak Indonesian so translated in your language http://www.readyforfit.com/grab-the-secret-here-download-ebook . html
Often once a person experienced in the belly of course it was not as comfortable as abdominal bloating , constipation or heartburn , it is a kind of digestive problem that almost certainly never felt good all the children and adults . The problem may seem simple and often overlooked , but if you often experience can certainly inhibit the activity or even endanger your health .

It's important to recognize one's digestive problems are often experienced and act immediately and do things that can help solve problems and to improve digestive health digestive health . With it , you can have a good digestive system , so that life becomes more healthy .

The following is a problem that often arises in the stomach related to digestive health is to know to always be vigilant in maintaining digestive health . The following problems are often encountered :


Heartburn or acid reflux is caused due to stomach acid spilling into the esophagus ( esophagus / food pipe ) and irritating the unprotected lining of the esophagus . This condition ( heartburn ) usually occurs after eating spicy foods , fried foods , and fast food . Lie down immediately after eating , dehydration , smoking , and drinking alcohol also contribute to trigger heartburn .

There are various ways to prevent the onset of heartburn , such as reducing the consumption of foods that can increase the levels of acid in the stomach ( such as tobacco , chocolate , coffee , caffeinated beverages , tomato , fried foods , and fatty foods ) , slept next to the body tilt position left , lifting ( raising ) the head on the bed , etc. .


This indicates a condition in which the expenditure feces or stool is rare ( less than three times a week ) , thus causing the stool becomes hard , small , and difficult to remove . This can be caused by a lack of fiber or fluid in the diet or because of a medical condition or as a side effect of medication or a result of the accumulation of physical and mental stress . overcome by consuming lots of mineral water .


Gas is formed in the intestines due to the action of bacteria which then protrudes from the anus . The exit gases by 10 to 15 in a day is considered normal . Gas formation in the stomach may occur because too much fiber in your diet and consume some foods , such as processed milk , broccoli , cabbage , and cauliflower .


This is caused by the incoming air when eating or drinking rapidly , chewing gum , eating hard candy , and drinking carbonated beverages . To prevent burp , eat and drink slowly and relaxed . Avoid chewing gum for long-term , soft drinks , and hard candy .


Eating cauliflower , cabbage , broccoli , string beans , and carbonated drinks can cause bloating or abdominal discomfort . Try walking for 5 to 10 minutes and do not lie down / sleep after eating to help alleviate this problem . Reducing salt intake can also help this problem .