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Friday, September 27, 2013

Become a necessity and it is important to always keep the balance of the ecosystem in the digestive tract , in order to keep the good bacteria remain adequate . many people who think that eating the wrong food will contaminate the digestive system and be a good friend for bad bacteria . even many people who are trying very hard to maintain digestive health but instead do things look very exaggerated . as one example of exaggeration in maintaining digestive health is by doing the washing bowel . this is usually done by people who had eaten and felt by the people consume too much fatty food , and people like this will do the washing intestine .

When looking at the person who did it is actually very unfortunate because the way it is right or not is not the right way . could even endanger their own health . concerns a person who is actually doing the washing bowel based fear getting fat after eating a fatty meal . Concerns over being fat or sick it may need to be addressed with the help of counseling psychology . clear according to The Mayo Clinic , USA , a very credible institution in the field of health , said that washing the intestine was not at all necessary and can even be detrimental .

One of the popular types of colon washing is washing the colon that can be said to be an act of environmental destruction arbitrary . For, behold, God has set such that the colon or large intestine , as part of the digestive system , able to work alone with very beautiful to absorb water , minerals , electrolytes in controlling various functions of the body's functions . so that the digestive system to the maximum and uninterrupted .

Therefore when one lot or frequent bowel wash in the long run according to Gensler , can cause anemia , malnutrition and even heart failure . Is best done to maintain the balance of flora in the gastrointestinal tract is to choose appropriate foods , foods that contain probiotics and prebiotics .

Consider taking  supplements

Nevertheless , consuming excessive sources of probiotics and prebiotics , also bad for health . It usually occurs in those who consume excessive probiotic supplements , probiotic causing bacteremia ( bacteria in the blood are excessive ) . Therefore if you want to take a probiotic supplement should first consult with your doctor , both related types of supplements , long use and how much to eat .

Keep in mind , that some probiotic supplements side effects can occur . Among others fart , swelling , and sometimes be complications , even can also cause infection . According to Gensler , supplements can cause too much stimulation of the immune system so it can not even function optimally .

Somehow safer if we consume probiotic and prebiotic source of food . According to Gensler , probiotic and prebiotic diet is actually very easy . Not unlike the usual diet recommended by nutrition experts to prevent coronary heart disease , cancer , digestive disorders , or diet to manage weight to ideal .

The recommended diet is to consume foods that contain lots of fiber such as vegetables and fruits - even , whole grains , low-fat , low- sugar and meat . With such a diet , it is guaranteed that we will soon feel the benefits in terms of the balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract , increased immunity , healthier digestive tract , and decreases the risk of illness .

Vegetables and fruits are sometimes referred to as the king and queen of nutrients , because the high fiber content so it helps the digestive system and be a supporter of probiotic bacteria in the gut besar.Keuntungan get probiotic bacteria from food is that bacteria can live in the stomach . So , put that thought away instantly but are completely willing to damage the intestinal flora and health .