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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Good Food for Digestion
What is your diet today? whether fast food?, instant food? or food dishes? it is your choice to suit the tastes and habits of each, but we also have to compensate by eating food that is good for digestion. Perhaps we often eat food that we like every day regardless of digestion so that the bad habits often cause problems in the digestive system.

choose a meal that is good for digestive health is a thing that sounds easy to do, but it is often easily overlooked by most people so that when a problem arises then people began to realize. we should be more selective in choosing a meal that is good for digestive health. thus we will be spared from digestive health problems.

In choosing the best foods for digestive health, perhaps the most important is that the food does not cause any symptoms or complaints. In other words, the food is good it can make the process easier digestion. it is a simple way to choose the meal. however, better than eating does not cause symptoms or complaints should also have a meal or high protein nutrition needed by the body.

What foods are good and which foods should be avoided for the sake of healthy digestion? Following advice from the experts.

1. Vegetables and fruit
This food is a good source of fiber which will expedite the process of digestion and elimination. Should we eat fiber 20-30 grams per day, equivalent to 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables.

2. Whole grains
Source of whole grain foods include brown rice, and wheat. However, this advice may not apply to those who have chronic diseases such as celiac illness or gluten sensitive.

3. Bananas
Basically all kind of good for the digestion of fruit, but bananas are highly recommended because it does not irritate the stomach. The fruit is also recommended for those who are suffering from diarrhea or nausea and vomiting.

4. Water
Adequate water consumption is needed to help healthy digestion. by consuming enough water it will help facilitate the digestive tract.

5. Ginger
Herbs and spices such as ginger, peppermint, or turmeric is a friend for troubled stomach. Make ginger tea to relieve digestive disorders when experiencing problems with your digestive ginger but it is also able to keep warm during cold weather.

6. Sources of probiotics
Probiotics contain good bacteria that will restore the balance of bad bacteria in the gut. Should select products that contain live bacteria such as yogurt and kefir.

7. Sources of prebiotic
Prebiotics are food sources of probiotics are needed for good bacteria. Prebiotics are found in whole grains, onions, asparagus, beans and lentils.

Conversely, avoid foods that will trigger reflux symptoms and pain in the throat such as spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, soda, or high in saturated fat.
Feces Type Relationship With Digestive Health
In an effort to stay fit, it is important to know the changes in body condition up to the things that are important but not essential. Because it is often the simple things that we ignore the fact have an important influence on health.

It is so simple that it is often overlooked is the type of stool. It turned out to be a type of fecal indicator digestive health. Changes in the stool can be influenced by the type of the following:
1. Type of food consumed
2. The health condition of the body and
3. Psychological conditions we are being stressed or not.
All three of the above which affect digestive health and the quality of the stool I can not fully explain. Since I am not a health expert. Or have a background in medical education. But I believe the influence on digestion. And he kind of stool is based on observation and my experience:

1. And a large hard stool.
The size of this stool is pretty significant. Because it can reach a diameter of 4-5 cm. Sometimes oily sometimes not. But because of its size, either oily or not (which could pave the time of disposal) of this stool is still hard to get out because the size of the diameter of the stool. Feces like this can trigger the skin's surface drains. Because the patient will be convulsed with strong during bowel movements with stools hard and big. And too often cause injury and irritation of the anal canal. This much so that the stool is already large, often always mixed with blood. The cause of the stool is likely substandard digestive absorption, food intake we are many, lack of exercise, lack of drinking water and stress.

2. Bloody stools.
Bloody stools are not influenced by the size of the stool. Bloody stools caused by, unhealthy digestion, gas / excess stomach acid and ambient clear you're inflamed, injured or irritated. This type of stool is excruciating, hot anus, stomach pain arising mules and excessive. In these conditions you should immediately contact your doctor.

3. Roundly hard stool. 
Well if this stool, stool roundly besides dry nor oily. Thus causing the stool as sticky and difficult out during bowel movements. Hard stool round twitched when we need to defecate. Shaped like a goat feces (round-round, separate, not fused). The cause of the stool is probably because we are less healthy digestive absorption, lack of drinking water, stress, and the type of food we eat less greasy and unhealthy cholesterol (spicy, greasy). Roundly hard stool can also cause sores around the anus and channel. So often those who have fecal ambient is also sometimes accompanied by blood. And can also cause irritation of the skin surface of our sewer

4. Oily stool soft. 
The amount of feces is almost the same as the stool soft and sticky just the surface is covered with feces or mucus enzymes as oil looks a bit shiny. By this means the condition of the digestive stool you're healthy and your mind can also also under stress is not healthy alias. Oily mushy stool can also indicate that the intake of food you consume also healthy. When bowel movements (Puft) with mushy stool greasy feel very smoothly no need twitched.

5. Feces were greasy.
Feces tend to be a little hard being greasy and 100% residue. But soft surface such as oily stools, or mucus covered by enzymes such as oil. So with this mucus layer defecation (Puft) will be a little easier though stool rather large but very easy and smooth. There is no pain or mules, mules that preceded. Even with liquid enzyme / oil blanketing. being oily stool indicates the condition of our digestive health.

6. Very watery stool.
Watery stool composition has + - 60 40 pulp and liquid. I call this classification with diarrhea "stage I". People with diarrhea usually begins the first mules and lower abdomen twitching before defecation (Puft). Causes of diarrhea with watery stools possibility of bacteria, poor physical condition, one meal (food that is not acceptable stomach), gastric ulcer or gastrointestinal conditions unsanitary. I experience that eating instant noodles and then drink white milk will usually also cause watery stools. or early in the morning to eat a mango. definitely not long before I direct diarrhea. Therefore caution in consuming food and remember what the food was not acceptable our stomach which could cause our fecal very dilute aka diarrhea stage one.

7. Liquid stools.
Liquid stools usually contain more water than the dregs. Comparison between water and dregs + - 70 water and 30 residues. People who defecate (Puft) with liquid stool is usually called by the term "diarrhea". If I classify the "stage two Diarrhea". Diarrhea usually begins with liquid stools with stomach nausea / moving, manipulating and contorting pushed very strong pressure. Quite often people can not resist the liquid stool. The cause of the possibility of liquid stool can be from bacteria, viruses, peptic ulcers, dysentery, indigestion and poor physical condition. Like when stricken with typhus usually frequent liquid stools. defecation (Puft) with liquid stool very quickly making the body dehydrated. For that if health conditions were not prime it would be nice to see a doctor immediately. In order for intensive care and proper. And for faster healing.

8. Stool soft and sticky.
Feces mushy pulp is almost 100%, but in the soft and sticky conditions. Indications are sticky bowel movements (Puft) is quite difficult. It should be stiffened even though the stool is not great. Accompanied with nausea and abdominal physical surface pale stools, not watery dry. Fecal strong suspicion this result we consume food intake, such as spicy foods, greasy and contain coconut milk and our lack of drinking water and fruits. It could also be the type of stool is caused by stress and ultimately not good digestive conditions resulting in a soft and sticky stools.

When already know which of the above items including the type of stool you if you are the kind fecal number 4 and number 5 means your digestive tract healthy. To be a good idea to give suggestions that can help others as well through comments.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Calcification on Bone
Calcification of bone or also known as osteoarthritis is known as the result of consuming excessive in calcium , but in fact this is a false perception in most people thought . but calcification of the bones or osteoarthritis is a disease that is classified into a rheumatic disease and there is no relation at all to consume excess calcium . bone calcification or osteoarthritis is due to excessive movement of the joints as well as pressure from one's own body weight .

Due to calcification of the bones is the main factor weight then most patients with calcification of the bones or osteoarthritis are those who are overweight or obese people . weight factors other than bone calcification also occurs because of one's own activities are too long like squatting , standing and sitting . calcification of the bones or osteoarthritis is inevitable because it is a body's aging process . but in fact obese people have a higher risk of developing rapid bone calcification or osteoarthritis when compared to their ideal stature .

Not only those who emiliki body fat is affected tulan calcification , but people who bodied ideal can also exposed bone calcification but fat people faster terkenanya . the things that make the ideal stature is due to calcification of the bones exposed to unhealthy activities such as excessive exercise , prolonged standing , prolonged squatting and sitting too well .

In fact fat people and skinny people have their own disease risk . If the obese person is more likely to develop osteoarthritis of the calcification of the bone or the thin people are more likely exposed to plague fractures or osteoporosis . try to have the ideal body so do not be quick to hit osteoarthritis and osteoporosis .

A result of excessive use of joints when they were young then flexibility is reduced , so that the joints become " rusty " when entering old age . result of decreased joint flexibility makes joints ached when driven as a "lubricant " that is already reduced due to overuse .

Calcification of bone or joint disease osteoarthritis is the most commonly found and most important cause of pain is the elderly can not work the joints . calcification of the bones or osteoarthritis most often affects parts of the body such as the spine , knees , hands , and feet .

Clinical symptoms of bone calcification or osteoarthritis is joint pain , stiff joints , swollen joints , weakness and disability . calcification of the bones or osteoarthritis begins with damage to the joint cartilage that ended with damage throughout the joint . more than 80 % of patients with calcification of the bones or osteoarthritis experience limitations in movement.
glucosamine for healthy bones
Injury is a risk that is likely to be experienced by a person when executing an activity. likely that most people are exposed to injury when doing heavy activity and excess that made the body can not sustain it. cause a heavy burden that can not be borne by the body to make the body susceptible to injury. 

General injury often affects one member of the body that is muscle, but in addition to muscle injuries are also common in other parts of the body, namely the bones and joints. The injury can be caused by one too hasty in completing the work, especially work of a heavy-weight. heavy load in a job should be done carefully and cautiously because it deals with a person's risk of getting injured. 

Along with the increasing age of a person, then pads the joints will wear out and thinning, which in turn can lead to pain in the joints and bones. Therefore, glucosamine intake needed to reduce the risk of joint pain due to injury and age. 

Understanding glucosamine. 

Glucosamine is an amino sugar component of which is produced by the body. Glucosamine is found in nearly all tissues of the body, but a large concentration of glucosamine present in liver, kidney, and cartilage.
Glucosamine is a very important matter because glucosamine can help stimulate the formation of cartilage components in addition to stimulating the formation of cartilage glucosamine also works to repair damaged cartilage and reduce joint pain. 

Osteoarthritis relation to bone health 

Osteoarthritis is a disease or rheumatic pain in joints that are generally common and is caused by damage to the cartilage tissue. Cartilage tissue serves to coat the bones and helps the movement of joints. As a result, cartilage damage (as occurs in patients with osteoarthritis or joint pain) will cause the bones collide while moving causes pain and joint stiffness. 

Basically the problems faced by people with osteoarthritis is pain in the joints but in fact it was not just a problem in the joints, but also in the bone. The results are listed in the journal Osteoarthritis Cartilage suggests that people with osteoarthritis in the joints of the hands appeared to have bone density in fingers lower. Means, the patient's risk of developing osteoarthritis osteoporosis (brittle bone disease) later in life.

A result of other research conducted by experts from the University of Toronto also showed that osteoarthritis is closely related to the level of a lower bone density. In addition, osteoarthritis can also affect bone metabolism by increasing the rate of bone demolition and slow the process of bone mineralization. 

Healthy bones with calcium is not enough 

A healthy and strong bones can not be separated from the role of calcium contained in it. But did you know that calcium alone is not enough to make your bones healthy and strong? Recent research indicates that glucosamine is not only beneficial for the joints, but also to improve the bone health of patients with osteoarthritis or joint pain. This is because glucosamine plays a major role in the formation and repair of cartilage. 

Glucosamine for Bone 

Glucosamine is a compound that is naturally found in the body, particularly in connective tissue and cartilage tissue. Together with chondroitin, glucosamine has been shown to help overcome the many joint problems in patients with osteoarthritis. Glucosamine is proven to stimulate the production of cartilage and inhibit enzymes that destroy cartilage. 

But the benefits of glucosamine did not stop there. Apparently, glucosamine can help prevent the occurrence of changes in bone metabolism in patients with osteoarthritis. As noted in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism, glucosamine supplementation can inhibit the increase in the rate of bone demolition experienced by people with osteoarthritis. 

For osteoarthritis sufferers, get the double benefit of glucosamine. For healthy bones and joints so you can move more freely. Include regular exercise activity to support the health of your joints. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Maintain Bone Health
Who the people in this world who do not want to have strong bones and healthy , there is no definite answer because someone will want a strong and healthy bones , because the healthy strong bones and certainly all activity and body movement to be smooth and not obstructed . in addition to having strong and healthy bones is a wise decision because then one can invest for the future bone health .

Bone loss of one can be seen from the way the passage is bent , it happens as a consequence of not guarding bone health . actually maintain bone health should be a requirement that must be met by everyone because the bones of the human body is supporting itself. Boneless , surely the body can not stand up straight .

An expert on health and aging from Glasgow Caledonian University named Professor Dawn 
Glasgow describes several ways to stimulate the bones to stay healthy and strong . the following way :

1. Do not stress

High levels of stress causes the body to produce the hormone cortisol, which causes loss of bone mass . If this is allowed , then over time you will have osteoporosis .

2. Move

Another way is to increase bone strength with weight training , especially to loosen muscles and increase bone growth . A study shows that if you do not exercise , it tends to be more difficult to get a bigger bone and dense .

3. Eating foods high in vitamin D

Food vitamin D is in salmon and sardines . When you eat vitamin D , the bones will be stronger . Without sufficient vitamin D , your body will not be able to absorb calcium properly so having weak bones .

4. Do not smoke and drink alcohol

People who smoke tend to have brittle bones . Meanwhile, the people who drank alcohol more than seven drinks a week can prevent bone absorb nutrients from your food . That way , your bones will become unhealthy .

5. Basking in the morning

Aside from food , vitamin D also you can get from basking in the sun in the morning . Only the sun 10 minutes , then you 've reduced the risk of fractures by 30 percent . To that end , soak up the sun in the morning from 7-9 am hour .

If you want your bones strong despite your old age , from now on alert and take care of your bone health with a vengeance as maintaining bone health is an investment for your old age .

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Effects of Smoking to Skin Health
Many people are told to stop smoking both men and women will certainly reject it , either directly or rejected for various reasons . quit smoking for women is the best beauty tip of all time . if someone who is always smoking will cause the cells in the body of the person affected by the burden of toxins from cigarette smoke are often made ​​, and therefore smoking can affect the health of the skin , down to each cell .

when he saw people smoking in non-smokers then people who smoke will look older when compared with nonsmokers . Ever conducted a study known as a pair of female twins . At age 39 , the twins were smokers looked about 45 years old . While her sister who do not smoke appear as if he were in their late twenties.

The twins study gives smokers a rare insight into how smoking has affected the health of their skin . An advertisement for smoking ban in England even openly stated that smoking makes you ugly . It became a very crushing blow , for women in particular . Women spend billions around the world for products that are able to maintain or regain their youthful appearance .

Smoking hurts the skin and it's hard to hide the effects it can cause. Smoking consider smb. Head skin age and have more negative effects than anything other than sun damage .

Smoking also damages the fibers that help skin stay elastic and strong - namely elastin and collagen in the skin . That means the skin begins to sag and wrinkle before its time . In other words , the skin of a smoker loses glow and healthy appearance .

Another problem with the skin caused by smoking is the depletion of vitamin A and C. Smoking limiting absorption of vitamins into the body . Vitamin A is important in the repair of skin cells , and Vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps the body absorb iron . As a result , many smokers eventually develop anemia . The body will tend to become dehydrated from smoking , and the skin becomes dry , such as peeling or chapped lips.

Because skin damage caused by the smoke , and because of thinner skin condition caused by decreased oxygen supply , the majority of plastic surgeons perform elective plastic surgery in smokers .

Smoking and skin cancer are also associated . Due to thinner skin , smokers are exposed to the risk of developing skin cancer is more than three times higher than non-smokers . One problem is the plural for smokers skin is psoriasis . Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that is not life-threatening or contagious . Smoking is bad for the skin and makes it much more susceptible to psoriasis than non - smokers.

Here are the negative effects of smoking on the health of our skin :

1 . Smoke change color.

2 . Smoking affects the circulatory system.
3 . Smoking gives health risks and damage the skin . Elasticity of the skin will be affected by the smoke . Smoking will even dries the skin and causes the skin dry and unhealthy.
4 . Smoking will accelerate wrinkles than nonsmokers . Skin tone will change along with the times we smoke. If we are exposed to secondhand smoke on a regular basis , your skin can also be affected .

The answer to keeping your skin healthy is to quit smoking .

Now you know that smoking can affect almost every aspect of health and now you know that smoking can also damage skin health . Try to convince your loved ones to quit smoking .
Causes of Back Pain
Back pain is one disease that definitely affects 8 out of 10 adults in his life . Back pain most often occurs because the back muscles are stretched or stretched ligaments. But sometimes pain arises just slowly .

Discharging and loading on the disc or prolapsed disc over time will lead to changes in the structure or the normal balance. Though the problem of bearings, joints or muscles will cause pain when moving used .

Regardless of how the occurrence of pain , often patients , even doctors , have trouble finding the trigger back pain . But according to Arya Nick Shamie , a spokesman for the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons , there are several causes of back pain are often unrecognized .

The following is the cause of back pain:

1. Strenuous exercise on the weekends.

Physical inactivity are risk factors that make a person more susceptible to back pain . This situation is exacerbated by excessive exercise habits only on weekends .

" If we do something heavy after a week more passive activities , we are greatly at risk of injuring himself , " Shamie said . He added that high-impact sports without warming to strengthen the torso ( core ) will make the muscles do not strongly support the motion carried .

Therefore, he suggested that we at least do basic exercises for strengthening the torso 15 minutes every day as well as heating for the torso and the muscles are more prepared when we exercise more intensely at the weekend .

2. Carrying children.

Carrying children in the back , especially if the child's weight is quite large , will cause great pressure on the spine . Especially if the child is a lot of moving , the risk is whiplash .

3.  Hunched. 

Sitting with his back arched in a long time will cause the lumbar spine is not properly buffered so that the greater the pressure on the discs . " But the greatest pressure on the disc occurs when we are in a sitting position on his side then you want to take something from the floor . Therefore, if you want to pick up something new once stood crouched to pick it up , " he said .

4. Smoke.

Smoking will cause the disc to deteriorate rapidly . Disc or prolapsed disc has a fibrous outer wall that protects the gel in it .

5. Rotate the waist.

All movements involving rotations in the abdomen repeatedly will cause micro- trauma to the lower spine . This damage will accumulate and risk causing damage later in life .

6. Lack of sleep.

Spinal discs do not have blood vessels so they do not get enough nutrients . As a result, the disc more susceptible to cracking and dehydration . " Try to get enough sleep at least 7 hours every night because at night the discus will be hydrated back , " he said .

7. Soft bed.

Alas beds were too soft and curved in the middle will make the bone structure changed .
Influence of Sleep Position on Health Backbone
Some people may have experienced pain in the lower back or waist . The most common cause of back pain is caused by muscle or ligament injury . This injury can occur due to various reasons , such as improper lifting , excess body weight , and poor posture .

Other factors that also affect and lead to back pain is the sleeping position . Wrong sleeping position can also affect and aggravate back pain suffered before. Sleep instead of making the body feel comfortable , but it makes you miserable pain . Back pain can keep you awake at night , when no proper sleeping position.

Not denying the importance of sleep for health . But it turns out was not the case just close my eyes . One vote sleeping position can cause you to wake up in a state of sore or stiff neck and sore . Consider the position of sleeping to do and which ones to avoid .

Therefore, it is very important for you to pay attention to body position during sleep . Here are three positions during sleep that can help you relieve back pain .

The following is one position while sleeping :

1 . Sloping bed.

In general, side sleeping position is good for health because it is effective to reduce snoring . Sleeping position with knees bent and slightly raised to the chest with a cushion clamp is highly recommended to prevent back pain .

Side sleeping position is the most comfortable sleeping position for expectant mothers . In addition to blood circulation , when stomach getting bigger , supine sleeping position can make a shortness of breath .

The downside of this sleeping position is to accelerate the onset of wrinkles on the face . " All the pressure will be on the side facing the pillow . This position also causes rapid breast sagging , " said Dr.Roshini Rajapaksa , Health magazine medical editor .

2 . Sleeping on his stomach.

For those who often complain of back pain , you should avoid the prone sleeping position , except the stomach was given wedge pillow . Sleeping position like this is difficult to maintain a neutral spine position .

Sleeping on his stomach will put pressure on the joints and muscles that irritate nerves and cause pain , and numbness . Also in this position will be at the head of one side in a long time so the neck will be sore .

3 . Sleep supine.

This is ideal sleeping position to prevent neck and back pain , reducing acid reflux , minimizing wrinkles and keep the breast form that is not easy to loose .

Unfortunately the supine sleeping position can cause snoring . For those who snore often advised to use a soft pillow for the head and neck are not propped up too high . Sleeping on your back is also often causes back pain , since it put a pillow under your knees so the legs slightly bent. If too soft bedding and melesek , put thick boards approximately 1 cm below the sheets .

4 . Curved position.

Sleeping position to your side with knees bent and slightly raised to the chest as the fetal position is not recommended . " This curved position will push the diaphragm so that it can interfere with breathing , " said Dody Chang , acupuncturist from the Center for Integrative Medicine , USA .

He added that the curved sleeping position can also cause back pain , facial wrinkles faster , and breast sag . Nevertheless fetal position sleeping style is often considered comfortable by pregnant women .
How to Maintain Healthy Backbone
Certainly when a person feels pain in the back to make the activity a person becomes uncomfortable sleep . back pain is usually caused by a problem in the backbone of the health of one's own . cause of declining health of one's backbone usually occurs because of work activities that are so dense , especially those who work to lift weights that are too heavy to make the spine would not hold a heavy load .

Back pain can actually be cured easily without surgery or taking excessive drugs . Basically , 60 percent of people with acute back pain return to work within a week , and 90 percent of patients can return to work after six weeks . of the fact that one does not actually need to worry in the face , but it is good to prevent back pain before experienced .

Here is how to prevent and cope with back pain :

1 . Rest your back

Sitting a lot more pressure on your back than standing : If you must sit at your desk for a long time or you have to travel long distances by plane , train , or automobile , frequently changing the sitting position and give your back a chance to rest up and a walk about once every hour .

2 . Use the legs to work

If you 're lifting something - whether it weighs 3 pounds or 25 kilograms - squat down , keep your back straight and lift the load using leg power . Appraiser will load you lift .

3 . Stretching every morning

Start the day - Haria to stretch while still in bed . Remember , that you have been lying limp for eight hours , so if you suddenly stood up , you can experience a back injury . Before you get up , slowly stretch your arms above your head, then pull your knees toward your chest alternately . If you are ready to sit down , bergulirlah to the bedside and use your arms to help lift your body . After standing put your hand on the butt last week slowly lean back to stretch the spine.

4 . Kneel , do not bend

Avoid bending at waist level when taking something . It creates tension in your back and increase the risk of injury . Instead , use a long tool holder and kneeling pads or protective use your knees when gardening or doing activities with less than knee- high .

5 . Take the time to walk the streets.

A walk can maintain the health of your back in a way to make the whole body in shape . This activity strengthens the muscles that form the buttocks functioning , legs, back , and abdomen . Walk around rather quickly also helps the body to release endorphins , hormones that function to relieve pain . Swimming , cycling , and running are also good .

6 . Lean your back when lifting weights.

If you do not find someone to help lift heavy loads , try the following as the last step : If the object was located as high as a table , lean your body toward the object was to pull or lift . You can also use this method to lift the sliding window . This position reduces pressure on your spine because you are forced to use the foot as a fulcrum .

7 . Note the bed.

The mattress should provide the proper support , flat , and not sagged . So , if you feel like sleeping in the middle of the bread in the middle, extracted , meaning you need a new mattress . A mattress loses most of its carrying capacity after long use . A mattress or less the same with a pair of shoes . At first fitting , and comfortable , but it does not mean it will always be.

8 . Select the correct fashion.

Wearing tight pants can prevent you from using proper biomechanics such as lunges , especially while lifting an object . Try wearing loose-fitting clothing for a month .

9 . Put pads for lower back.

Pads of foam rubber round which can be purchased in stores medical supplies to help you maintain the natural curve in the lower spine and prevent pain in the part . Every time you sit down , plug it in between the seat cushion and lower back .

10 . Standing or sitting upright.

Maintaining good posture is the best way to prevent back pain . To improve your posture , try the following . Standing closer to the wall or sit on a dining chair , make sure bawwa your shoulders and buttocks touching a wall or chair. Slip your arm into the space between the lower back and the wall or the back of the chair . If there are still parts where your hand is not in contact with either the wall or the back or back of the chair , lift your hips so that the excess space was lost . Maintain that position about 20 counts , looking into the mirror to see your own posture . Maintain a posture like that until evening . Do this exercise every day for three weeks until the correct posture becomes a habit .

11 . Stop smoking.
Smoking reduces blood flow to the spine and discs can weaken antarruas . So , if you smoke, stop .

12 . Chill with ice.

Attach the ice to the back of the hospital as soon as possible to relieve pain and swelling . Wrap an ice pack in a pillowcase or towel (never put ice directly on your skin ) and stick it on the part that feels pain for ten minutes every hour until the pain subsided .

13 . Heats.

After you successfully overcome swelling with ice - usually within about 48 hours - you can start using heat . Heat increases blood flow to the injured part , relaxing tissues and can help you move . Paste swab with warm - temperature approximately equal to the temperature of the skin - on your back for 5 to 10 minutes every hour , or a warm bath either in the shower or tub soak whirls ( whirlpool ) .

14 . Provide pain medication.

Take one or two tablets of aspirin or ibuprofen every four to six hours ranya can relieve pain and reduce swelling . But do not exceed the recommended dose . For safety , make sure you consult with a doctor before .

15 . lift legs.

If your back pain is still mild attack , lie down on the floor and lift your legs up the seat so that your thighs form a 90-degree angle with your hips and calf lies on a chair with an angle of 90 degrees to the thighs . This position makes the important muscles in your back relaxed and is the least burdensome position of your spine .

16 . Keep moving.

Although the first doctor ever advise a long rest in bed , now they believe bawwa your recovery even faster if you are getting aktifa Indeed , rest in bed for two weeks weakens the muscles and bones of your back even slow healing fund , in addition to making you more easily suffer the same pain . So do not lie in bed for more than two days , try to get up at least once an hour to walk around or stretch .

17 . manipulated.

Chiropractors have gained recognition by the medical community . An analysis of 25 studies of manipulation - core backbone in therapy - chiropractic manipulation found that they were doing could result in cure for some time on acute back pain without complications . In general , a chiropractor repeatedly massaging the affected part of the spine using the heel of his hand . Ask your doctor to refer you to the nearest chiropractor in your area .

18 . Get a second opinion.

According to the American association of orthopedic surgeons , in a year they have performed more than 400,000 surgeries , such as spinal fusion and disc removal or destruction disk . However, a study conducted by the organization Blue Cross and Blue Shield found that nearly 13 percent of spine surgery is done for reasons that are less precise . Find at least one opinion from another doctor if the doctor who examined you recommend surgery .

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Type of Bone Disease and its Prevention
Bone disease is a disease that many so underrated by most sufferers are under-recognized by someone who may have been suffering from the symptoms of the disease. people who suffer from bone disease is usually noticed when the conditions do not allow the bone to be treated again. to reduce the risk of bone diseases one must search for a complete and adequate information either from research or from the Internet and when the need of health care workers in order to get more accurate information .

when someone always maintain bone health indirectly mtelah someone that enhance their productivity , because of all the activities and gestures of a bone endorse them. try bayangkang bone health when experiencing a problem , surely someone activity and performance will suffer.

Bone is a buffer body consisting of the protein collagen which sided with calcium phosphate and rich in minerals that make the body strong as supported by bone. The combination of collagen and calcium makes bones will become very strong and flexible so it can withstand the pressure from the activities and the activities of a person. Approximately 99 % of calcium in the human body is in the bones and teeth. Some were found in the blood .

Bone has two types , namely :

- The cortical bone is dense and strong bones and an outer bone .
- Trabecular bone that has a part in the cavity and form the structure of the body as a whole .

Bone has developed and improved throughout the human life span is done resorption and formation. However , the bone can also be impaired bone disease .

The following types of bone disease :

1. osteomyelitis

Bone disease is caused by bacteria that spread and reduce the strength of the bone .

2. rickets rickets

Often occurs in children who are in its infancy . Abnormal bone formation that is a buildup of calcium in the bone because the child is drinking too much milk calcium or due to solar radiation .

3. osteoporosis

Bone disease osteoporosis is a disease that results in bone density to be dropped . Osteoporosis can undermine the ability of trabecular bone which causes power to be reduced drastically . This will make the bones become brittle due to cortical bone thinning . Osteoporosis usually occur in older women age and enter menopause .

4. osteomalacia

Bone disease is caused by bone become weak due to lack of vitamin D intake or it could be caused by faulty metabolism in the body . Bone diseases such as osteoporosis , osteomalacia disease can cause bones to become more brittle .

Prevention of bone disease
Here are some prevention and treatment of bone that we can do to prevent bone disease :

  • Perform regular exercise to reduce the risk of bone disease .
  • Food intake should be taken to ensure that we eat foods that are nutritious and have a high fiber yan .
  • Do not forget to eat a high calcium milk .
  • Immediately consult a doctor if we feel there is a complaint on the bones and joints .
  • Play the balanced diet by way of diligent eating foods high in fiber and vitamin D.
  • It is recommended not to consume excessive alcohol and smoking .
  • Perform continuous testing and routine bone .