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Friday, October 18, 2013

Maintain Bone Health
Who the people in this world who do not want to have strong bones and healthy , there is no definite answer because someone will want a strong and healthy bones , because the healthy strong bones and certainly all activity and body movement to be smooth and not obstructed . in addition to having strong and healthy bones is a wise decision because then one can invest for the future bone health .

Bone loss of one can be seen from the way the passage is bent , it happens as a consequence of not guarding bone health . actually maintain bone health should be a requirement that must be met by everyone because the bones of the human body is supporting itself. Boneless , surely the body can not stand up straight .

An expert on health and aging from Glasgow Caledonian University named Professor Dawn 
Glasgow describes several ways to stimulate the bones to stay healthy and strong . the following way :

1. Do not stress

High levels of stress causes the body to produce the hormone cortisol, which causes loss of bone mass . If this is allowed , then over time you will have osteoporosis .

2. Move

Another way is to increase bone strength with weight training , especially to loosen muscles and increase bone growth . A study shows that if you do not exercise , it tends to be more difficult to get a bigger bone and dense .

3. Eating foods high in vitamin D

Food vitamin D is in salmon and sardines . When you eat vitamin D , the bones will be stronger . Without sufficient vitamin D , your body will not be able to absorb calcium properly so having weak bones .

4. Do not smoke and drink alcohol

People who smoke tend to have brittle bones . Meanwhile, the people who drank alcohol more than seven drinks a week can prevent bone absorb nutrients from your food . That way , your bones will become unhealthy .

5. Basking in the morning

Aside from food , vitamin D also you can get from basking in the sun in the morning . Only the sun 10 minutes , then you 've reduced the risk of fractures by 30 percent . To that end , soak up the sun in the morning from 7-9 am hour .

If you want your bones strong despite your old age , from now on alert and take care of your bone health with a vengeance as maintaining bone health is an investment for your old age .