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Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to Maintain Healthy Backbone
Certainly when a person feels pain in the back to make the activity a person becomes uncomfortable sleep . back pain is usually caused by a problem in the backbone of the health of one's own . cause of declining health of one's backbone usually occurs because of work activities that are so dense , especially those who work to lift weights that are too heavy to make the spine would not hold a heavy load .

Back pain can actually be cured easily without surgery or taking excessive drugs . Basically , 60 percent of people with acute back pain return to work within a week , and 90 percent of patients can return to work after six weeks . of the fact that one does not actually need to worry in the face , but it is good to prevent back pain before experienced .

Here is how to prevent and cope with back pain :

1 . Rest your back

Sitting a lot more pressure on your back than standing : If you must sit at your desk for a long time or you have to travel long distances by plane , train , or automobile , frequently changing the sitting position and give your back a chance to rest up and a walk about once every hour .

2 . Use the legs to work

If you 're lifting something - whether it weighs 3 pounds or 25 kilograms - squat down , keep your back straight and lift the load using leg power . Appraiser will load you lift .

3 . Stretching every morning

Start the day - Haria to stretch while still in bed . Remember , that you have been lying limp for eight hours , so if you suddenly stood up , you can experience a back injury . Before you get up , slowly stretch your arms above your head, then pull your knees toward your chest alternately . If you are ready to sit down , bergulirlah to the bedside and use your arms to help lift your body . After standing put your hand on the butt last week slowly lean back to stretch the spine.

4 . Kneel , do not bend

Avoid bending at waist level when taking something . It creates tension in your back and increase the risk of injury . Instead , use a long tool holder and kneeling pads or protective use your knees when gardening or doing activities with less than knee- high .

5 . Take the time to walk the streets.

A walk can maintain the health of your back in a way to make the whole body in shape . This activity strengthens the muscles that form the buttocks functioning , legs, back , and abdomen . Walk around rather quickly also helps the body to release endorphins , hormones that function to relieve pain . Swimming , cycling , and running are also good .

6 . Lean your back when lifting weights.

If you do not find someone to help lift heavy loads , try the following as the last step : If the object was located as high as a table , lean your body toward the object was to pull or lift . You can also use this method to lift the sliding window . This position reduces pressure on your spine because you are forced to use the foot as a fulcrum .

7 . Note the bed.

The mattress should provide the proper support , flat , and not sagged . So , if you feel like sleeping in the middle of the bread in the middle, extracted , meaning you need a new mattress . A mattress loses most of its carrying capacity after long use . A mattress or less the same with a pair of shoes . At first fitting , and comfortable , but it does not mean it will always be.

8 . Select the correct fashion.

Wearing tight pants can prevent you from using proper biomechanics such as lunges , especially while lifting an object . Try wearing loose-fitting clothing for a month .

9 . Put pads for lower back.

Pads of foam rubber round which can be purchased in stores medical supplies to help you maintain the natural curve in the lower spine and prevent pain in the part . Every time you sit down , plug it in between the seat cushion and lower back .

10 . Standing or sitting upright.

Maintaining good posture is the best way to prevent back pain . To improve your posture , try the following . Standing closer to the wall or sit on a dining chair , make sure bawwa your shoulders and buttocks touching a wall or chair. Slip your arm into the space between the lower back and the wall or the back of the chair . If there are still parts where your hand is not in contact with either the wall or the back or back of the chair , lift your hips so that the excess space was lost . Maintain that position about 20 counts , looking into the mirror to see your own posture . Maintain a posture like that until evening . Do this exercise every day for three weeks until the correct posture becomes a habit .

11 . Stop smoking.
Smoking reduces blood flow to the spine and discs can weaken antarruas . So , if you smoke, stop .

12 . Chill with ice.

Attach the ice to the back of the hospital as soon as possible to relieve pain and swelling . Wrap an ice pack in a pillowcase or towel (never put ice directly on your skin ) and stick it on the part that feels pain for ten minutes every hour until the pain subsided .

13 . Heats.

After you successfully overcome swelling with ice - usually within about 48 hours - you can start using heat . Heat increases blood flow to the injured part , relaxing tissues and can help you move . Paste swab with warm - temperature approximately equal to the temperature of the skin - on your back for 5 to 10 minutes every hour , or a warm bath either in the shower or tub soak whirls ( whirlpool ) .

14 . Provide pain medication.

Take one or two tablets of aspirin or ibuprofen every four to six hours ranya can relieve pain and reduce swelling . But do not exceed the recommended dose . For safety , make sure you consult with a doctor before .

15 . lift legs.

If your back pain is still mild attack , lie down on the floor and lift your legs up the seat so that your thighs form a 90-degree angle with your hips and calf lies on a chair with an angle of 90 degrees to the thighs . This position makes the important muscles in your back relaxed and is the least burdensome position of your spine .

16 . Keep moving.

Although the first doctor ever advise a long rest in bed , now they believe bawwa your recovery even faster if you are getting aktifa Indeed , rest in bed for two weeks weakens the muscles and bones of your back even slow healing fund , in addition to making you more easily suffer the same pain . So do not lie in bed for more than two days , try to get up at least once an hour to walk around or stretch .

17 . manipulated.

Chiropractors have gained recognition by the medical community . An analysis of 25 studies of manipulation - core backbone in therapy - chiropractic manipulation found that they were doing could result in cure for some time on acute back pain without complications . In general , a chiropractor repeatedly massaging the affected part of the spine using the heel of his hand . Ask your doctor to refer you to the nearest chiropractor in your area .

18 . Get a second opinion.

According to the American association of orthopedic surgeons , in a year they have performed more than 400,000 surgeries , such as spinal fusion and disc removal or destruction disk . However, a study conducted by the organization Blue Cross and Blue Shield found that nearly 13 percent of spine surgery is done for reasons that are less precise . Find at least one opinion from another doctor if the doctor who examined you recommend surgery .