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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Effects of Smoking to Skin Health
Many people are told to stop smoking both men and women will certainly reject it , either directly or rejected for various reasons . quit smoking for women is the best beauty tip of all time . if someone who is always smoking will cause the cells in the body of the person affected by the burden of toxins from cigarette smoke are often made ​​, and therefore smoking can affect the health of the skin , down to each cell .

when he saw people smoking in non-smokers then people who smoke will look older when compared with nonsmokers . Ever conducted a study known as a pair of female twins . At age 39 , the twins were smokers looked about 45 years old . While her sister who do not smoke appear as if he were in their late twenties.

The twins study gives smokers a rare insight into how smoking has affected the health of their skin . An advertisement for smoking ban in England even openly stated that smoking makes you ugly . It became a very crushing blow , for women in particular . Women spend billions around the world for products that are able to maintain or regain their youthful appearance .

Smoking hurts the skin and it's hard to hide the effects it can cause. Smoking consider smb. Head skin age and have more negative effects than anything other than sun damage .

Smoking also damages the fibers that help skin stay elastic and strong - namely elastin and collagen in the skin . That means the skin begins to sag and wrinkle before its time . In other words , the skin of a smoker loses glow and healthy appearance .

Another problem with the skin caused by smoking is the depletion of vitamin A and C. Smoking limiting absorption of vitamins into the body . Vitamin A is important in the repair of skin cells , and Vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps the body absorb iron . As a result , many smokers eventually develop anemia . The body will tend to become dehydrated from smoking , and the skin becomes dry , such as peeling or chapped lips.

Because skin damage caused by the smoke , and because of thinner skin condition caused by decreased oxygen supply , the majority of plastic surgeons perform elective plastic surgery in smokers .

Smoking and skin cancer are also associated . Due to thinner skin , smokers are exposed to the risk of developing skin cancer is more than three times higher than non-smokers . One problem is the plural for smokers skin is psoriasis . Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that is not life-threatening or contagious . Smoking is bad for the skin and makes it much more susceptible to psoriasis than non - smokers.

Here are the negative effects of smoking on the health of our skin :

1 . Smoke change color.

2 . Smoking affects the circulatory system.
3 . Smoking gives health risks and damage the skin . Elasticity of the skin will be affected by the smoke . Smoking will even dries the skin and causes the skin dry and unhealthy.
4 . Smoking will accelerate wrinkles than nonsmokers . Skin tone will change along with the times we smoke. If we are exposed to secondhand smoke on a regular basis , your skin can also be affected .

The answer to keeping your skin healthy is to quit smoking .

Now you know that smoking can affect almost every aspect of health and now you know that smoking can also damage skin health . Try to convince your loved ones to quit smoking .