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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cassava Benefits for Bone Health
Cassava is a food name that is familiar to all segments of society both under and upper classes of society . Why is that ? because all the average person has been consuming processed foods in the form of processed cassava chips and other types . Cassava is one type of food tubers which has many benefits for someone who consume them , especially for health . Perhaps not everyone knows as much what is contained in the cassava is consumed .

It is important to always know nutrients contained in a meal that would be consumed with so one can know whether the food is good for your health or the health worsened . one thing to note is that the benefits contained in the cassava . Cassava is widely grown in villages . although the village apparently planted cassava has great benefits for health . one of which is good for bone health.

What are the benefits of cassava , the following is a benefit of cassava :

1 . In a study reported by Affleap demonstrate the efficacy of cassava as lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the blood . Not only that , cassava can also lower triglyceride levels and a source of fiber which is very good for our bodies . I wonder if the cassava can lower the risk of heart disease , stroke , colon cancer and help control diabetes . With notes , for this type of the disease , cassava must be processed by boiling or steaming .

2 . This tasty tubers ( cassava ) is a source of vitamin B complex group of vitamins like folates and , thiamin , pyridoxine ( vitamin B - 6 ) , pantothenic acid and rivoflavin . Riboflavin plays a role in body growth and red blood cell production function to reduce anemia .

3 . Cassava is also an important source of minerals that our body parts , such as : zinc , magnesium , copper , iron , and manganese . Also, cassava has a sufficient amount of potassium as an essential component of cell pementukkan body and regulate blood pressure .

3 . Reporting from Nutrition and You , cassava has doubled the number of calories than potatoes . So no one if singkon become one of the staple food as a source of carbohydrate . In 100 grams of cassava contains 160 calories . most of terdii of sucrose . Certain areas Cassava processing into rice as a staple food .4 . Cassava is also rich in vitamin K, which has a role in building bone mass . So that cassava consumption may decrease the risk of osteoporosis . And besides that, too, will protect and vitamin K plays an important role in the treatment of Alzheimer pesien by limiting neuronal damage in the brain .

5 . Fibers contained in the cassava is a fiber that is not water-soluble fibers such as these serve to expedite the process of defecation and able to get rid of toxins in your colon , so that your digestion healthy .

6 . Cassava is lower in fat than cereals and legumes . However , cassava has a high protein content compared to cassava , bananas and potatoes .

7 . Able to eat cassava diet , because cassava contains carbohydrates that are much lower and have a higher fiber content than other foods . so that your stomach can feel full in a fairly long time .