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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Baby Skin Care of an Itch
Itching of the skin is a disease that every person must experience it, both adults, young children, women and men. although the disease seems very simple, but you do not have to underestimate. also very simple reason why it should not underestimate this disease, because the itching left alone can cause serious secondary infections especially porters to scratch it. try not to scratch the itch when using nails and also do not scratch too hard.

general itching or itching can be divided into several types based on the cause of the disease such as the itching caused by bacteria, allergies, viruses, fungi or parasites as well. secari outline to be aware it can be seen from the shape. directly.

when he learned the cause of the itching caused by allergies because you are suffering, you should avoid substances that can cause itching relapse. if when itching relapse and then carded to cause secondary infections of the skin then do the treatment properly to the doctor who is an expert in order not to spread the infection caused by wide.

but on the other hand itching caused by bacteria usually transmitted through the fluid against the skin and then it will feel itchy. when already experiencing itchiness will certainly scratch the bacteria enter through the skin pores are open due to scratched, causing sores on the skin that contain greenish pus.

Similarly with itching experienced by the baby's skin, usually caused by sweat. it can be seen by looking at the signs such as red spots on the skin resulting baby. when the baby has it, the baby will be easily agitated and crying. to cope with itching on the baby's skin here are some simple ways that you can try.

such a way that:

Always keep clothes 

If your baby often to sweat it mandatory to replace it any time if the clothes wet with sweat because the sweat that sticks to clothing may cause irritation to the skin and if ignored the longer it will be severe. the more often you change your baby's clothes because the better the comfort of the baby awake.

Washed 2 to 3 times a day 

Itching caused by perspiration usually occurs because of sweat spent quite a lot when the baby is sleeping or when on the move. why babies sweat easily? because the structure of the skin in infants is still very soft so it is very sensitive to heat space, if this trend continues it will lead to prickly heat, marked with red spots that itch. if it happens bathe children to sweat that sticks lost.

Using starch

Traditional ways that can still be used to remove perspiration is to use starch. way is the same as with applying baby powder on the baby's body. after bathing. but if it does not work to remove perspiration immediately consult a physician.

Baby cream 

Use baby cream or baby lotion after a shower wiped way it is used to keep moisture and softness of a baby's skin and prevent excessive sweating. baby lotion that contains a lot of water will cool the skin while the baby oil that contains a lot of oil to keep the skin moisture and softness longer.
Health Care Dry Skin In Babies
Dry skin is a common problem in infants. sometimes many mothers do not know why it could happen. What causes dry skin on my baby? role in caring for the baby's health should be of a maximum of a mother because the baby's health is the main thing. one of the baby's health that must be considered in detail is the health of the skin, because the skin is very sensitive in infants.

one of the problems of the skin that is often experienced by the infant dry skin problems. many mothers who know that a baby's skin dry, but too many do not know whether the baby's skin is dry it is not good for health. many young mothers who have recently had babies dry skin is often asked whether it is harmful to the baby's health? may not be harmful for health reasons as well as adults, babies can also experience dry skin problems due to the baby's skin susceptible to skin health problems, such as dry skin. Moreover, the baby's skin is very thin and delicate, they do tend to be more easily suffer from dry skin.

Many factors could cause why the baby's skin dry. for mothers who have toddlers is important to know what factors cause dry skin in infants. The following are the causes of dry skin on baby like too long in space AC (air conditioner), exposed to the sun, or maybe the baby does not fit with baby skin care products are used. as long as it can be handled as well as it did not happen then it does not last long cause health problems.

after knowing the cause of dry skin in infants, how to care for or to cope with dry skin. The following is a simple way to address dry skin in infants, namely:

1 Reduce the Time Swim 

If you're a mom who likes to bring your baby to swim, either in the pool or at the beach, you should reduce this hobby first. why it should be done? because of the salt content in the sea water and chlorine in the pool will make the baby's skin becomes increasingly dry. Swim once a month is not a problem, as long when finished swimming, immediately bathe your baby with clean water and immediately apply moisturizer to prevent the skin becomes drier. If the day is hot, do not forget to apply sunscreen on the skin especially for baby.

2. Never Too Long Bathing 

Bathing is a good thing for the health of the baby's skin because it can remove impurities from the skin. But, if done for too long, natural oils found on the baby's skin will also be reduced. Therefore, if your child is a dry skin or is likely to have a dry skin type, you should not bathe her too long, fairly 5-10 minutes. Use warm water instead of hot water also helps reduce baby's skin dry. Then, choose fragrance-free bath products and tailor-made for sensitive skin to maintain skin moisture.

3. Find a reason 

In some infants who do not have dry skin, the skin becomes dry when there must be some things that caused them. As mentioned earlier, some of the causes could be used skin care products do not fit, too long in the air-conditioned room, or exposed to sunlight. As a good mother, you can surely find the cause and solve it. If the problem is in skin care products, replace immediately. If being too long in the air-conditioned room, it means you have to reduce the use of air conditioning in the room time.

4. Use moisturizer 

When the best time to use moisturizer? As soon as the baby out of the shower and dried with a towel. Because at that time the water was still stuck in the baby's skin and moisturizing helps "lock in" the water into the skin, that's what makes the baby's skin so it does not dry easily. Choose a moisturizer that contains a lot of moisture skin moisturizer that last a long time. If it is necessary, moisturizers should be used more than once, ie after every shower in the morning and evening or before your baby to sleep.

Friday, July 26, 2013

many people who do not know the health benefits of onions for hair. people just know that onions for seasoning. bleak, published at page Boldsky sites that Onions are commonly used for cooking it can be used to help overcome the problem of hair.

Overcoming Hair Health With Onions and Coconut Oil

one hair problem that can be solved with onions is a hair loss problem, the reason being that in onions have a lot of sulfur content. function of the existing sulfur in onions is to facilitate the circulation of blood so as to strengthen the hair roots.

how to treat hair using onions is by massaging the scalp with warm coconut oil to use for 30 minutes. why do massage with coconut oil first? The following reasons for the importance of coconut oil, is as follows:

Overcoming Hair Health With Onions and Coconut Oil

  • Coconut oil for dandruff hair. Coconut oil contains anti-fungal, anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial. It can help if you run into the problem of dandruff on your hair. Dandruff is often caused by a fungus on the scalp. Coconut oil can kill the fungus on the scalp, and dandruff problem will disappear.
  • Coconut oil for deep conditioner.  Fatty acids found in coconut oil has a unique structure that can penetrate easily into the hair shaft, so that it can provide a lot of moisture in the hair. To moisturize hair, apply one or two teaspoons on wet hair and let sit for maybe. Then massage your scalp for blood circulation. After that, wrap your hair with a towel and let sit for an hour or two, then rinse thoroughly to get the perfect result.
  • Coconut oil to overcome hair loss. It has often been mentioned if the coconut oil is rich in antioxidants, which can prevent free radical damage in the body, including solar thermal and environmental damage. Most conditioners are sold in the market contain free radicals and can unleash the power of natural antioxidants to the hair. This protein causes hair loss and make hair loss. To protect hair from it, then what we need is contained lauric acid in coconut oil.

after massaging the head with warm coconut oil, rub onions that have been crushed in the scalp. onions that have been put on the scalp as a hair mask after the wrap hair in a towel. let stand for 40 minutes, then rinse thoroughly using a shampoo.

Here is the function of sulfur in onions that are useful to help solve the problem, the following hair problems that can be solved by the sulfur in onions is as follows:

  • Onion juice is also useful for curing scalp infections. This fungal infection can damage the hair and lead to hair loss.
  • Onions also help open the pores of the hair follicles are damaged by the blockage.
  • Sulfur contained in onions bombayakan cope with hair loss while stimulating new hair growth.
  • Other scalp problems that can be addressed with onions is the problem of dandruff. Combine onion with lemon juice and a few drops of honey. Apply to your hair and allow up to 30 minutes, then rinse using anti-dandruff shampoo.
How to Prevent Teeth Damaged Children
any parent would not want to see his son suffered damage to his teeth. tooth decay usually begins when a baby tooth is damaged. it is important for every parent to keep an eye on the dental health of children from a young age so that when it's grown up dental care habits do not go away and make the teeth look healthy children.

to keep your child's teeth to appear are always healthy and take care of him since the start wat young children because milk teeth health determines the health of the permanent teeth of children. to protect the health of children's teeth forbid children to do things that could damage the health of children's teeth as follows:

  • Important for children to mersihkan their teeth with a toothbrush or rinse immediately after taking the medication. Medications such as cough syrups contain sugar that is not good for the health of your teeth, because the sugar content of the drug is converted by bacteria into acid on the teeth that will damage the enamel on the teeth.
  • If children chew gum, encourage him to choose sugarless gum, or gum that helps reduce bad bacteria in the mouth. Chewing gum can clean the plaque on the teeth than it could stimulate the production of saliva to clean the bacteria in the mouth.
  • Avoid giving milk to children before bedtime, or give him milk in a bottle to make it easier to sleep.
  • Familiarize children drink water. Water will remove food particles from between the teeth. but can help clean teeth water can also help cleanse the digestive tract.
  • Familiarize children eat some kind of snack as soon as possible. How often she ate snacks is more important than how many snacks he ate. Distance between meal snacks make saliva is able to clean the teeth of particles and bacteria that interfere. Too often eat without brushing your teeth feed on bacteria that leads to plaque buildup and cavities.
  • Give the sugar-free foods because foods that contain lots of sugar can stimulate bacteria in the mouth to produce acids that can damage tooth enamel.
  • Serve sweet foods along with eating routine and should not be used as a snack. If you plan to give it a sweet food, serve as a dessert after the main meal. After that clean teeth by rinsing or brushing teeth.
  • Reduce the provision of soft drinks or fruit juice in containers that contain acid. Water and milk is a drink that can be given between meals.

possible to support the health of these foods need to be avoided or not to be consumed by children:

  • Food was very sweet with a high sugar content such as lollipops, hard candy sweet, candy.
  • The food is sticky and chewy like raisins, lunkhead, oatmeal cookies or peanut butter, jelly beans and caramel. Because these foods inhibit saliva to drive sugar from your teeth. If not give your child this food immediately ask the child to rinse shortly after eating.

The following foods should be given to children to support the growth of teeth health:

  • Cheese: presented along with lunch or as a snack, especially cheese slabs or other types of cheese because the cheese trigger the flow of saliva. Saliva helps clean food particles from the teeth.
  • Fruits and vegetables: make fruits and vegetables as snacks. Choose a high water content such as pear, melon, yam and celery are the best. Bananas and raisins contain concentrated sugar. When you give these two types of fruit, brush teeth immediately after eating.
  • Important eat and drink calcium to strengthen teeth as additional unsweetened milk, broccoli and yogurt.
How to Prevent Tooth Decay in Children
maintaining healthy teeth is some thing which is very important. many people who maintain healthy teeth when fully grown, but it's better than not keeping up at all. maintaining dental health is better done as a child or at about the age of two years.

keep teeth from a young age is a good first step to prevent tooth decay in children. I am sure no parent wants to see their child had a problem with his teeth, especially the problem of tooth decay.

Tooth decay that occurs on or in technical language, also known as dental caries can give a great influence on a child's confidence in her social and can cause problems for permanent teeth, because teeth play an important role in supporting the development of permanent teeth. Baby teeth provide space for permanent teeth, so that if broken the permanent teeth can grow irregularly.

The following is a way to prevent tooth decay or caries in children:

1. Make sure children brush their teeth twice a day regularly. Begin to teach good habits in children in brushing their teeth when your child is old enough, usually it dilakukakan when the child turns 2 years of age. To give an example, let your child see you're brushing your teeth. Children are imitators outstanding and no better example than the parents in the child how to brush your teeth.

2. Try not to use fluoride toothpaste when the child was a child because they may swallow the toothpaste accidentally. Often swallow toothpaste containing fluoride can cause enamel fluorosis to try it for children under 7 years old should not use toothpaste that contains fluoride. When anaka has reached the age of 7 years make it a habit to use toothpaste that contains fluoride.

3. Prepare your child's lunch with nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables and cheeses that contain a lot of calcium and low in acid and sugar. because foods high in calcium can support dental health while eating a high-acid foods that are not good for eating it fosters the growth of destructive bacteria teeth. Avoid sugary foods are sticky and easy to get stuck in your teeth like raisins, lunkhead, caramels and lollipops.

4. When shopping, make sure to include some new toothbrush in your list. Toothbrushes should be replaced every three months. Choose a soft toothbrush and compact specifically for children.

5. Start cleaning your child's teeth since the first tooth, usually at the age of 6 months. Cleaning is done every night before bed. The younger you start, the easier it is to develop the habit. You can place your child's head in her lap so that brushing more fun and effective. Clean baby's gums and first teeth with a damp gauze or a small soft toothbrush. For infants with more teeth, smear a little toothpaste kids (about a grain of rice) on a soft toothbrush.

6. Because the bacteria that cause tooth decay can be contagious, do not put a spoon and fork to the mouth of your child if you already use. Keep each child has his own toothbrush.

7. Do not give milk, juice or sweet drinks when the child will sleep. The liquid will be trapped under the upper lip and the child's upper front teeth can cause them to rot.

8. Schedule regular checkups to the dentist at least every 6 months but it would be better if done once a month. Do not wait until your child's teeth problems. Regular checks help keep your child's oral health. Let your child become familiar with the dentist and do not instill fear him like some parents who often threatens to deprive children of their teeth when not brushing your teeth or eating too many sweets.

9. Replace sugar with honey because honey is not cariogenic (causing dental caries). so honey is a good material to replace sugar is not good for dental health.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

cause teeth to become porous
If you want to have healthy teeth? jwabannya definitely all want to have healthy teeth. The next question is whether the effort that you did to get healthy teeth already maximized? and the answer is only you who can measure themselves. it is good to maximize your efforts to get healthy teeth is to find out a little about your habits that are not good for your teeth often do.

Many habits are often done and thought that the good habits in an effort to take care of your teeth to become healthy teeth. but it is not really even a quasi-fact there might be a good habit is precisely the things that are not good for dental health. but worse still it is often done in a long time.

To help you obtain healthy teeth, the following is the cause of tooth loss that may be your habit often done unknowingly. but still it must be remembered that this is just a general information for more good idea to always consult with your doctor.

The following is a cause of tooth loss is:

Most fluoride can be bad 

It is true that fluoride is an essential element in supporting the health of your teeth so that your teeth stay healthy. However, for children under 8 years of age, a result of excessive fluoride toothpaste ingested in large amounts will cause a condition called fluorosis. Generally, fluorosis begins with a condition that looks like a white dot and finally become brown.

To make sure children do not swallow toothpaste while brushing your teeth, always accompanied them while brushing your teeth and tell that the pasta enough to be applied for soybeans so if swallowed toothbrush, toothpaste that enters the body is not too much. Most cases of fluorosis occurs because toothpaste is ingested in large quantities. It is advisable that the children were given a fluoride-free toothpaste until they understand that when rinse, toothpaste should be discarded and not be swallowed.

Braces can be caused cavities 

Brush your teeth properly and carefully if you want gear that is being trimmed by using braces to grow into a healthy tooth. Because, if not, food, bacteria, and acid will tejebak around your braces and can cause your enamel eroded, it is stated by Raymond George Sr., DMD, President of the American Association of Orthodentists.

Caries can be started from the existing bracket around braces. Although the damage was not up to the hole, it could lead to "demineralization" so that there will be a white spot on your teeth (if there are cavities in your teeth then they will be even darker color).

Actually the tongue is the most natural cleanser. When someone installing braces, they tend to stop sweeping the tongue teeth due to the discomfort that arises due to collide with the metal, it can lead to piles of dirt in your teeth.

You could lose your teeth at any age 

Some particular individual is born with perfect teeth. Which often times is not the same in every person is the last wisdom tooth growing. However, often times the cause of your tooth loss is gum disease and caries.A research study showed that 22.8 percent of the U.S. population aged 65-74 years and 29 percent of the U.S. population aged 75 years and above wear dentures.

Food acids damage tooth 

True. In addition to sweet foods, acidic foods it can damage your teeth. Sour candy, soft drinks, can make your tooth enamel to erosion! Robyn Loewen, DDS, a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, stated, if you want to eat foods that have a high acidic nature, eat with other foods. Then, brush your teeth with baking soda on a regular basis has been shown to neutralize the acid in your mouth so that it can reduce the acid loving bacteria that cause caries.

Enamel, the hardest substance in the body but easily broken 

Ice, popcorn seeds, as well as the tongue and lip piercing are some things that can damage your teeth. Unlike skin, your teeth can not grow back. When you eat popcorn seeds, is just like eating "stone" and will be a combination of two things that are very hard. Popcorn seed and your teeth will collide each other so that it can cause damage to the teeth.

A research study in 2007, published in the American Journal of Dentistry stated, as much as 14 percent to 41 percent of individuals have piercing in the mouth and the surrounding area experienced tooth decay. Observations indicate that a change in shape of the teeth are significant and can lead to tooth loss.
yellow teeth, maybe a lot of people have it. most of them even confused, why this could happen? many of them blame the toothpaste they use. they are many who think that once they often use a toothbrush that contains tooth whitening then they will be white. Such arguments are not entirely true nor entirely wrong because using toothpaste without cause yellow teeth keep the same result will be worth it. 

factor having yellowish teeth

yellow teeth to be the first indicator of unhealthy teeth yellow teeth is due to the onset of coral on the teeth. important to know the causes of yellow teeth from the beginning as the first step to maintaining healthy teeth. The following is the cause of yellow teeth are important to know. 

among the causes of yellow teeth are as follows: 

Brushing your teeth after eating sweet  

Due to fear of bacteria that live on the teeth, then many people will rush to brush your teeth after eating sweets. Is it true that such a thing is to be done? This proved to be wrong because after doing the process of mastication, the state tends to be acidic mouth. Currently teeth eventually neutralize mouth with issuing state to protect tooth enamel. If you are in a hurry to brush your teeth, the enamel will then wasted and bacteria-free even thrive. It is advisable to brush your teeth at least an hour after eating sweets. 

Teeth whitening  

How could even make teeth whitening teeth turn yellow? Well, it turns out the workings of teeth whitening is not as simple as we think. Most, teeth whitening work with eroded teeth. And often, worn teeth whitening at home, not working optimally. Instead of bleach, they mjustru erode teeth, making it brittle and yellow. 

Energy drinks  

Having been made to replace the energy and salts lost during exercise, it is equipped with energy drinks sugar and acid. According to a study done at the University of Birmingham, found that energy drinks are corrosive than mineral water. Chemical substances contained in energy drinks tend to undermine and erode the teeth. 


It is undeniable that this is a disease which effects contribute yellow teeth, brittle and even porous. Unfortunately, many people with diabetes do not realize that this disease also affects the state of his teeth. 

Opening the packaging with teeth  

So strong teeth and no scissors around you, then you decide to open the packaging with your teeth. STOP this habit! Without you knowing it, this habit will make it easier teeth brittle and weak. When the teeth brittle, the color will not automatically healthier and tend to turn yellow. 


In addition to diabetes, smoking also makes your teeth yellow. The nicotine content in cigarettes causes a mouth to acid, nicotine-nicotine bound in gear elements and stay on the tooth walls. No wonder if those who smoke almost difficult to have clean white teeth. 

White Wine  

You might think that red wine actually bad for teeth, because the color red. But it turns out the white wine actually gives worse effects to the teeth. "The white wine erodes teeth faster," said Dr Paul Ashley, director of dental health institutions, at University College Hospitals. 

Eye Drug  

Maybe you are confused, what is the relationship eyedrops with yellow teeth. However, these eye drops indeed be one of the causes teeth to yellow. Chemical constituents in the eye drops suppress the production of saliva. Where saliva will neutralize acid in the mouth. Due to the amount of saliva is reduced, automatically acids in the mouth will increase. Here, the bacteria will multiply more rapidly, so that the teeth become yellow. 


Results of a study conducted on 500 people swimmer mentioned that 66% of the swimmers suffered damage to the teeth and yellow teeth. This is due to the high content of chlorine in the pool water. Chlorine affects the pH of the water that causes the acid content is higher. To that end, do not forget to brush your teeth after swimming. 

Herbal tea  

Maintain the slimness of the body and health with herbal tea became a common practice these days. Body feels fitter and slimmer. However, it turns out this herbal tea carry side effects that are bad for the teeth. Those who regularly consume herbal teas tend to have yellow teeth. In response to this, the Japanese researchers, as reported by Dailymail, suggested that consumers prefer herbal tea green tea. The content of catechins in green tea are believed to suppress acid-producing bacteria in the teeth, so the teeth yellow more easily prevented.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

when experiencing toothache sure it's uncomfortable. may cause distraction than a toothache can also interfere with work. many people do not know that toothaches are caused by simple things such as brushing rare. Other bad habits that can cause toothache is dental cavities understatement and immediately went to the dentist.

cavities usually begins with small black dots which are in gear, but a lot of disparaging things. better when experiencing these signs consult your tooth to the dentist in order to avoid more serious problems to the teeth.

when the tooth was already perforated hurry to stop it up, before going on to more serious problems with your teeth but previously consult with your dentist.

The following is a reason why cavities need to be patched immediately after your health and wellness:

Toothache can destroy our lives 

Toothache is very painful and is able to "paralyze" us! Yes, when we feel the toothache is certainly a lot of things that will affect it as bad food, uncomfortable to speak, unable to work, the body becomes weak, head ache abysmally, and believe that you certainly do not want to be one of the victim or who experience . Therefore, it is better to prevent than to feel it not?. Small hole can turn into a monster in an instant, eliminating holes same as early as possible by eliminating our chance to be the next victim of toothache. should always keep in mind that prevention is better than cure.

The smaller the hole the easier repaired 

Cavities can occur because it is caused by bacteria that multiply and produce acids on the surface of the teeth that eventually make your teeth over time will become brittle. The smaller cavities means the less bacteria in it the better for repair. And the less bacteria in it means the more likely we are to maintain our natural teeth. Original tooth remains the best and deserve to be preserved. better treat teeth as early as possible before the big hole.

Patching a small hole is much cheaper and safer than fix it when it is severe 

To patch cavities dentist in general need to follow to take not only the damaged tooth tissue but also most healthy tooth tissue around the hole. The bigger hole means more healthy tooth tissue is sacrificed and vice versa, the smaller the hole, the more the remaining healthy tooth tissue. It also means that the time of the visit and discomfort during dental treatment becomes less and less. Patch the holes when not severe tooth also means to minimize the possibility of dental cavities return (relapse).

Small holes can be enlarged quickly

 Holes are still visible small teeth are not always allowed us consider trivial. The bacteria that cause cavities are various types. Sometimes there is a slow and there is also very fast. Holes are seen on the surface of the teeth is also not always represent the original condition of our teeth because it often looks small hole has indeed turned out to be great in the teeth without us knowing. These conditions led to the phenomenon of "rotten teeth" in which our teeth suddenly broke and alone, leaving only the roots of teeth.

Patchwork material is now getting better gear 

Are you the type of people who are afraid your teeth look bad after patched because black fillings dentists use? Quiet, now the types of dental fillings is growing. Even that is popular is the tooth-colored fillings, which means someone else or even you yourself may not be aware that your teeth are being patched before you ever gaze. Remember, the smaller the tooth cavity fillings types that you can choose to be more varied, more options, and of course with a more affordable cost.

After knowing the reason you are still thinking over whether to postpone patching the holes in your teeth? Or you might even find other reasons to immediately patch your teeth? Remember, healthy teeth are a perfect source of life. Rawat your teeth every day and do the routine control to the dentist every 6 months.