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Friday, July 12, 2013

In an effort to perform or undergo a healthy diet, eat have an important role to support the success of your diet program apart from sports. many people have a hard time living a healthy diet program, especially in terms of food due to bad habits in consuming the food a person can not be undone, so many people who fail to live a healthy diet because it caused is still not able to eliminate the wrong diet.

In a previous article I have explained how to be successful on a diet that is by leaving the food is not good in your business through a diet program. but in this article that will be discussed there was to eat the recommended diet consumed when running the program. eating the recommended diet program certainly has many benefits besides weight loss course and meet the syntax for filling the stomach.

Some of these foods will help boost your metabolism and make you feel more full. If you have the habit of eating junk food, ranging from bad habits now replace your diet with the best way to enter the following menu foods into your diet food list. The food is as follows:


Fish, nuts as well as one of the healthy food sources of protein. Nuts contain vegetable protein, while fish contain animal protein. Fish such as mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids will help lower your cholesterol and also will speed up your metabolism. How to make healthy meals with fish, too, determines the quality of a healthy meal in itself. Baked or steamed is better than fried or burned.


Protein has the highest satiety index than other foods and peanuts are one good source of vegetable protein. Besides nuts also contain high fiber as well. Body to digest beans require a longer time the end result is you will feel full longer when consuming these healthy foods.

Low-fat milk

Low-fat milk and dairy products such as low-fat cheese and yogurt are good sources of calcium. If we do not get calcium in sufficient amounts, the body releases a hormone compound calcitrol that will trigger fat storage. Milk has been known as a healthy food product. Choose low-fat milk as a healthy food for diet.

Fibrous foods

For those who do healthy diet program all plant foods with high fiber content in a successful effort to lose weight is by including green vegetables into her diet food menu. For some reason, highly effective fiber helps lower LDL (bad cholesterol). It makes you feel full and composition of your meals a little more. High fiber foods take longer to digest. Increases metabolism because the body works to digest the food.
Here's a list of fiber-rich meals to choose from. There is no standard or priority order which is best. You can determine the taste and needs. But as a suggestion try to add or increase the amount of your diet all foods.

A. Avocado
Avocados are proof that the diet does not always have to be low in fat to help you lose weight. Avocados contain more than 25 essential nutrients. When you eat an avocado you get vitamin B, potassium, vitamin E, and lutein.

B. Broccoli
Unlike the peppers, broccoli has another role. Broccoli is a powerful anticancer food diet, high in calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

C. Apple
Apples are so many benefits to your diet. Pectin (one of the substances in apples) make you feel fuller. This is an effective way to eat less. In addition, pectin actually serves to absorb fats and sugar after consuming carbohydrates. Apple in the morning at breakfast or try it as a midday snack is time to choose. Ga have many-many, one is enough.
That of the apple pectin can lower your appetite naturally. Apples as a healthy food widely used as a substitute for diet food. In addition, the existing fiber in the apple will definitely keep you full for a longer period of time. Apple is widely recognized as one of the healthiest foods for the diet.

D. Peppers (or other greens)
Green vegetables (like peppers) has the function of accelerating metabolism. In western countries, peppers are often processed into an attractive and tasty salad, so we can assume that a healthy diet is not always bland. Vegetables are low calorie foods. Besides vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach has a thermal effect on the body. The point is that these vegetables may not be stored as fat because the calories have been used up in the process of digestion. Green vegetables also contain high levels of fiber. The fibers act as anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and minimal amounts of fiber will certainly give you a sense of satiety. Green vegetables well suited to use as a healthy food for diet.