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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Health genitals need to be very necessary in the case early on. If not, dangerous diseases such as cysts, myoma, or endometriosis can be nested in our bodies. Diseases of the reproductive system that could make us annoyed. surely everyone does not want to experience it.

Healthy lifestyle is the key! Avoid or reduce eating some foods or drinks that are very dangerous for our sex organs, such as:
Coffee and tea

Coffee and tea contain caffeine. Actually, it does not matter if the drink is consumed occasionally. But, if we are too often (more than 500mg per day), can also be harmful to the health of our reproductive organs because caffeine can increase the production of the hormone estrogen. Endometriosis can grow because of the high estrogen hormone in the body.

Junk food

Examples of junk food is fried foods, soft drinks, sugary foods. Junk food contains fat and high sugar content. These foods contain sodium, calories, sugar, fat in excessive amounts that are very dangerous to the health of our reproductive organs. From now on, try to consume these foods sparingly, and do not overdo it.


Alcohol can make a person more moody especially for girls who again PMS. Consuming alcohol can also cause the development of the endometrial lining so not normal. This can cause tremendous pain during menstruation.

Food packaging

Especially packaged foods wrapped in styrofoam is not good for our reproductive health because of the chemical carcinogens can stick to the styrofoam styrofoam makanan.Residu this may cause endokirnologi endocrine system disrupter (EDC) and the reproductive organs.

Broiler chickens

Chicken broilers was injected steroids. Broiler meat is usually more plump and large. Steroids are artificial hormones to stimulate growth in chickens. But it was the steroids that disrupt the hormonal system and can make us stricken with uterine cysts.