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Friday, July 26, 2013

How to Prevent Tooth Decay in Children
maintaining healthy teeth is some thing which is very important. many people who maintain healthy teeth when fully grown, but it's better than not keeping up at all. maintaining dental health is better done as a child or at about the age of two years.

keep teeth from a young age is a good first step to prevent tooth decay in children. I am sure no parent wants to see their child had a problem with his teeth, especially the problem of tooth decay.

Tooth decay that occurs on or in technical language, also known as dental caries can give a great influence on a child's confidence in her social and can cause problems for permanent teeth, because teeth play an important role in supporting the development of permanent teeth. Baby teeth provide space for permanent teeth, so that if broken the permanent teeth can grow irregularly.

The following is a way to prevent tooth decay or caries in children:

1. Make sure children brush their teeth twice a day regularly. Begin to teach good habits in children in brushing their teeth when your child is old enough, usually it dilakukakan when the child turns 2 years of age. To give an example, let your child see you're brushing your teeth. Children are imitators outstanding and no better example than the parents in the child how to brush your teeth.

2. Try not to use fluoride toothpaste when the child was a child because they may swallow the toothpaste accidentally. Often swallow toothpaste containing fluoride can cause enamel fluorosis to try it for children under 7 years old should not use toothpaste that contains fluoride. When anaka has reached the age of 7 years make it a habit to use toothpaste that contains fluoride.

3. Prepare your child's lunch with nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables and cheeses that contain a lot of calcium and low in acid and sugar. because foods high in calcium can support dental health while eating a high-acid foods that are not good for eating it fosters the growth of destructive bacteria teeth. Avoid sugary foods are sticky and easy to get stuck in your teeth like raisins, lunkhead, caramels and lollipops.

4. When shopping, make sure to include some new toothbrush in your list. Toothbrushes should be replaced every three months. Choose a soft toothbrush and compact specifically for children.

5. Start cleaning your child's teeth since the first tooth, usually at the age of 6 months. Cleaning is done every night before bed. The younger you start, the easier it is to develop the habit. You can place your child's head in her lap so that brushing more fun and effective. Clean baby's gums and first teeth with a damp gauze or a small soft toothbrush. For infants with more teeth, smear a little toothpaste kids (about a grain of rice) on a soft toothbrush.

6. Because the bacteria that cause tooth decay can be contagious, do not put a spoon and fork to the mouth of your child if you already use. Keep each child has his own toothbrush.

7. Do not give milk, juice or sweet drinks when the child will sleep. The liquid will be trapped under the upper lip and the child's upper front teeth can cause them to rot.

8. Schedule regular checkups to the dentist at least every 6 months but it would be better if done once a month. Do not wait until your child's teeth problems. Regular checks help keep your child's oral health. Let your child become familiar with the dentist and do not instill fear him like some parents who often threatens to deprive children of their teeth when not brushing your teeth or eating too many sweets.

9. Replace sugar with honey because honey is not cariogenic (causing dental caries). so honey is a good material to replace sugar is not good for dental health.