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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Health Care Dry Skin In Babies
Dry skin is a common problem in infants. sometimes many mothers do not know why it could happen. What causes dry skin on my baby? role in caring for the baby's health should be of a maximum of a mother because the baby's health is the main thing. one of the baby's health that must be considered in detail is the health of the skin, because the skin is very sensitive in infants.

one of the problems of the skin that is often experienced by the infant dry skin problems. many mothers who know that a baby's skin dry, but too many do not know whether the baby's skin is dry it is not good for health. many young mothers who have recently had babies dry skin is often asked whether it is harmful to the baby's health? may not be harmful for health reasons as well as adults, babies can also experience dry skin problems due to the baby's skin susceptible to skin health problems, such as dry skin. Moreover, the baby's skin is very thin and delicate, they do tend to be more easily suffer from dry skin.

Many factors could cause why the baby's skin dry. for mothers who have toddlers is important to know what factors cause dry skin in infants. The following are the causes of dry skin on baby like too long in space AC (air conditioner), exposed to the sun, or maybe the baby does not fit with baby skin care products are used. as long as it can be handled as well as it did not happen then it does not last long cause health problems.

after knowing the cause of dry skin in infants, how to care for or to cope with dry skin. The following is a simple way to address dry skin in infants, namely:

1 Reduce the Time Swim 

If you're a mom who likes to bring your baby to swim, either in the pool or at the beach, you should reduce this hobby first. why it should be done? because of the salt content in the sea water and chlorine in the pool will make the baby's skin becomes increasingly dry. Swim once a month is not a problem, as long when finished swimming, immediately bathe your baby with clean water and immediately apply moisturizer to prevent the skin becomes drier. If the day is hot, do not forget to apply sunscreen on the skin especially for baby.

2. Never Too Long Bathing 

Bathing is a good thing for the health of the baby's skin because it can remove impurities from the skin. But, if done for too long, natural oils found on the baby's skin will also be reduced. Therefore, if your child is a dry skin or is likely to have a dry skin type, you should not bathe her too long, fairly 5-10 minutes. Use warm water instead of hot water also helps reduce baby's skin dry. Then, choose fragrance-free bath products and tailor-made for sensitive skin to maintain skin moisture.

3. Find a reason 

In some infants who do not have dry skin, the skin becomes dry when there must be some things that caused them. As mentioned earlier, some of the causes could be used skin care products do not fit, too long in the air-conditioned room, or exposed to sunlight. As a good mother, you can surely find the cause and solve it. If the problem is in skin care products, replace immediately. If being too long in the air-conditioned room, it means you have to reduce the use of air conditioning in the room time.

4. Use moisturizer 

When the best time to use moisturizer? As soon as the baby out of the shower and dried with a towel. Because at that time the water was still stuck in the baby's skin and moisturizing helps "lock in" the water into the skin, that's what makes the baby's skin so it does not dry easily. Choose a moisturizer that contains a lot of moisture skin moisturizer that last a long time. If it is necessary, moisturizers should be used more than once, ie after every shower in the morning and evening or before your baby to sleep.