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Friday, July 12, 2013

Maybe for the umpteenth time in this article I assert that the diet does not mean not eating. A healthy diet is right and smart is choosing the appropriate diet menus which are necessary nutrients for the body and not much or even no fat at all so as to make the body does not accumulate large amounts of fat.

Actually many ways to do that is to make a healthy diet and exercise diligently consume food that contains nutrients needed by the body. but it is still much to be done that is avoiding eating a lot of fat or not good in an attempt to go on a diet.already widely described by some experts and Personal Trainer, that balance diet with plenty of exercise will help you in trying to gain weight and body desirable.  

Therefore, it is important to always adjust your diet, and do not ever too late to eat let alone not eat at all it was banned.maintain a diet and balanced with lots of exercise is an important thing in an effort to reduce heavy body and get the ideal body weight, but also avoid the following foods can provide a tremendous effect in an attempt to get the ideal body weight. foods that should be avoided are as follows:

Soft drinks

 All soft drinks even with zero label fat consumed is not recommended you who are dieting. Soda will not help you lose weight, and generally makes the stomach so bloated. If you want a healthier, better water consumption alone. Hot or cold, does not matter.

French fries

He said rice should be consumed to replace? The info is not wrong, because it allowed steamed potatoes consumed dieters. But unfortunately a lot of the info is often wrong, eventually fries or baked potatoes with various spices were devoured. Well, potatoes are processed in a way that is actually not recommended. So, it is better if you want to eat potatoes, though only by boiling or steaming.

Junk food

 Even if you eat junk food without rice, it is still a high calorie content. As a result, your workout a week it was in vain. With a disciplined and diligent undergo diet workout, ideal body you SURE you can get. Yuk spirit.

Canned fruit juice

 Go back to the natural way, eating fruit juices that you make yourself, and NO EXTRA SUGAR. Juice or canned fruit packed in a box usually gets added sugar and preservatives. Despite frills vitamins in it, but it is not advisable for you dieters.

Snack rich in sugar content

 Avoid snacks that are rich in sugar content, such as pastries, candy, chocolate, and so forth.Maybe you think the occasional snack eating fine. However, remember that you need to workout to burn more too. If you do not burn enough calories in the body, will in fact increase calories and increase again.Recommended snack for dieters is fruit. Which contain natural sugars and sweetness enough and not overdone.

White bread

 Diet still allows you to consume bread. However, make sure the bread you eat is not the usual bread, or bread with all kinds of content that tempting, such as cheese sandwiches, brown bread, and so forth.Bread is recommended for dieters is wheat bread. Where bread is a lot of fiber, less sugar, and providing a longer sense of fullness.This good bread is consumed at breakfast and still be eaten as a snack during the day when you feel hungry.

High-fat dairy

Your body does need calcium when on a diet, but milk products is needed is not the whole fat. Better to choose a scheme that does not add to the burden you burn fat.Soy milk is the best choice for dieters. Besides the delicious taste, soy milk also helps control cholesterol levels in the body.