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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

when experiencing toothache sure it's uncomfortable. may cause distraction than a toothache can also interfere with work. many people do not know that toothaches are caused by simple things such as brushing rare. Other bad habits that can cause toothache is dental cavities understatement and immediately went to the dentist.

cavities usually begins with small black dots which are in gear, but a lot of disparaging things. better when experiencing these signs consult your tooth to the dentist in order to avoid more serious problems to the teeth.

when the tooth was already perforated hurry to stop it up, before going on to more serious problems with your teeth but previously consult with your dentist.

The following is a reason why cavities need to be patched immediately after your health and wellness:

Toothache can destroy our lives 

Toothache is very painful and is able to "paralyze" us! Yes, when we feel the toothache is certainly a lot of things that will affect it as bad food, uncomfortable to speak, unable to work, the body becomes weak, head ache abysmally, and believe that you certainly do not want to be one of the victim or who experience . Therefore, it is better to prevent than to feel it not?. Small hole can turn into a monster in an instant, eliminating holes same as early as possible by eliminating our chance to be the next victim of toothache. should always keep in mind that prevention is better than cure.

The smaller the hole the easier repaired 

Cavities can occur because it is caused by bacteria that multiply and produce acids on the surface of the teeth that eventually make your teeth over time will become brittle. The smaller cavities means the less bacteria in it the better for repair. And the less bacteria in it means the more likely we are to maintain our natural teeth. Original tooth remains the best and deserve to be preserved. better treat teeth as early as possible before the big hole.

Patching a small hole is much cheaper and safer than fix it when it is severe 

To patch cavities dentist in general need to follow to take not only the damaged tooth tissue but also most healthy tooth tissue around the hole. The bigger hole means more healthy tooth tissue is sacrificed and vice versa, the smaller the hole, the more the remaining healthy tooth tissue. It also means that the time of the visit and discomfort during dental treatment becomes less and less. Patch the holes when not severe tooth also means to minimize the possibility of dental cavities return (relapse).

Small holes can be enlarged quickly

 Holes are still visible small teeth are not always allowed us consider trivial. The bacteria that cause cavities are various types. Sometimes there is a slow and there is also very fast. Holes are seen on the surface of the teeth is also not always represent the original condition of our teeth because it often looks small hole has indeed turned out to be great in the teeth without us knowing. These conditions led to the phenomenon of "rotten teeth" in which our teeth suddenly broke and alone, leaving only the roots of teeth.

Patchwork material is now getting better gear 

Are you the type of people who are afraid your teeth look bad after patched because black fillings dentists use? Quiet, now the types of dental fillings is growing. Even that is popular is the tooth-colored fillings, which means someone else or even you yourself may not be aware that your teeth are being patched before you ever gaze. Remember, the smaller the tooth cavity fillings types that you can choose to be more varied, more options, and of course with a more affordable cost.

After knowing the reason you are still thinking over whether to postpone patching the holes in your teeth? Or you might even find other reasons to immediately patch your teeth? Remember, healthy teeth are a perfect source of life. Rawat your teeth every day and do the routine control to the dentist every 6 months.