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Thursday, July 25, 2013

yellow teeth, maybe a lot of people have it. most of them even confused, why this could happen? many of them blame the toothpaste they use. they are many who think that once they often use a toothbrush that contains tooth whitening then they will be white. Such arguments are not entirely true nor entirely wrong because using toothpaste without cause yellow teeth keep the same result will be worth it. 

factor having yellowish teeth

yellow teeth to be the first indicator of unhealthy teeth yellow teeth is due to the onset of coral on the teeth. important to know the causes of yellow teeth from the beginning as the first step to maintaining healthy teeth. The following is the cause of yellow teeth are important to know. 

among the causes of yellow teeth are as follows: 

Brushing your teeth after eating sweet  

Due to fear of bacteria that live on the teeth, then many people will rush to brush your teeth after eating sweets. Is it true that such a thing is to be done? This proved to be wrong because after doing the process of mastication, the state tends to be acidic mouth. Currently teeth eventually neutralize mouth with issuing state to protect tooth enamel. If you are in a hurry to brush your teeth, the enamel will then wasted and bacteria-free even thrive. It is advisable to brush your teeth at least an hour after eating sweets. 

Teeth whitening  

How could even make teeth whitening teeth turn yellow? Well, it turns out the workings of teeth whitening is not as simple as we think. Most, teeth whitening work with eroded teeth. And often, worn teeth whitening at home, not working optimally. Instead of bleach, they mjustru erode teeth, making it brittle and yellow. 

Energy drinks  

Having been made to replace the energy and salts lost during exercise, it is equipped with energy drinks sugar and acid. According to a study done at the University of Birmingham, found that energy drinks are corrosive than mineral water. Chemical substances contained in energy drinks tend to undermine and erode the teeth. 


It is undeniable that this is a disease which effects contribute yellow teeth, brittle and even porous. Unfortunately, many people with diabetes do not realize that this disease also affects the state of his teeth. 

Opening the packaging with teeth  

So strong teeth and no scissors around you, then you decide to open the packaging with your teeth. STOP this habit! Without you knowing it, this habit will make it easier teeth brittle and weak. When the teeth brittle, the color will not automatically healthier and tend to turn yellow. 


In addition to diabetes, smoking also makes your teeth yellow. The nicotine content in cigarettes causes a mouth to acid, nicotine-nicotine bound in gear elements and stay on the tooth walls. No wonder if those who smoke almost difficult to have clean white teeth. 

White Wine  

You might think that red wine actually bad for teeth, because the color red. But it turns out the white wine actually gives worse effects to the teeth. "The white wine erodes teeth faster," said Dr Paul Ashley, director of dental health institutions, at University College Hospitals. 

Eye Drug  

Maybe you are confused, what is the relationship eyedrops with yellow teeth. However, these eye drops indeed be one of the causes teeth to yellow. Chemical constituents in the eye drops suppress the production of saliva. Where saliva will neutralize acid in the mouth. Due to the amount of saliva is reduced, automatically acids in the mouth will increase. Here, the bacteria will multiply more rapidly, so that the teeth become yellow. 


Results of a study conducted on 500 people swimmer mentioned that 66% of the swimmers suffered damage to the teeth and yellow teeth. This is due to the high content of chlorine in the pool water. Chlorine affects the pH of the water that causes the acid content is higher. To that end, do not forget to brush your teeth after swimming. 

Herbal tea  

Maintain the slimness of the body and health with herbal tea became a common practice these days. Body feels fitter and slimmer. However, it turns out this herbal tea carry side effects that are bad for the teeth. Those who regularly consume herbal teas tend to have yellow teeth. In response to this, the Japanese researchers, as reported by Dailymail, suggested that consumers prefer herbal tea green tea. The content of catechins in green tea are believed to suppress acid-producing bacteria in the teeth, so the teeth yellow more easily prevented.